Hello from East Texas!

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
Welcome to TEG, @henless, and a big, wide, smiley howdy from South-est, central-est Wisconsin. I envy you your Texas summer and your ability to work on the BTE garden in January, but then I have serious envy toward anyone in a higher gardening zone. I do enjoy reading about those Southern gardeners' adventures and gardening vicariously during the snowy months of winter in Wisconsin.


Garden Addicted
Jan 4, 2016
Reaction score
East Texas Zone 8b
:frow@henless :welcome from Eastern IA where the Mississippi River runs East to West. I know TX is a big state, but you might not be far from our very dear @baymule!

Thanks Carol Dee! I agree, Texas is pretty big. Takes a good while to get to the other side. I think she lives in North East Texas? I guess you say I live in central East Texas, just south of I-20.

Welcome, henless! :frow So glad you decided to join. :)

Thanks journey11. I'm glad too. What little gardening I've done, I really enjoyed. I want to do more and not be so dependent on the grocery store.

Hey there, henless. Welcome. Are you henless temporarily? I mean do you normally have chickens?

I took this name when I joined BYC. I didn't have any chickens at the time. I was in the minority who actually started building their coop before getting their chickens, lol. So I was henless for a good 4 months or so. Now I have 8 of my original 21 hatchery hens. I have 3 Astralorps, 2 Buff Orps & 3 Easter Eggers. I also have 11 Cream Legbars that I hope to start breeding. We'll see how they go.

Welcome to TEG, @henless, and a big, wide, smiley howdy from South-est, central-est Wisconsin. I envy you your Texas summer and your ability to work on the BTE garden in January, but then I have serious envy toward anyone in a higher gardening zone. I do enjoy reading about those Southern gardeners' adventures and gardening vicariously during the snowy months of winter in Wisconsin.

Thanks for the welcome Smart Red! I like Texas. It's the only place I've ever lived except for a couple months many years ago when DH & I lived in Louisiana. The only drawback is the heat, humidity and those darn mosquitoes. Those things just eat me up!

Welcome from Eastern Wa.

Thanks Collector! What do you collect?


Garden Master
Sep 16, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Wa. Zone 5/6 ?
Thanks Carol Dee! I agree, Texas is pretty big. Takes a good while to get to the other side. I think she lives in North East Texas? I guess you say I live in central East Texas, just south of I-20.

Thanks journey11. I'm glad too. What little gardening I've done, I really enjoyed. I want to do more and not be so dependent on the grocery store.

I took this name when I joined BYC. I didn't have any chickens at the time. I was in the minority who actually started building their coop before getting their chickens, lol. So I was henless for a good 4 months or so. Now I have 8 of my original 21 hatchery hens. I have 3 Astralorps, 2 Buff Orps & 3 Easter Eggers. I also have 11 Cream Legbars that I hope to start breeding. We'll see how they go.

Thanks for the welcome Smart Red! I like Texas. It's the only place I've ever lived except for a couple months many years ago when DH & I lived in Louisiana. The only drawback is the heat, humidity and those darn mosquitoes. Those things just eat me up!

Thanks Collector! What do you collect?
My wife calls it junk lol. She may be right lol.

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
My dad was a collector. I remember him standing in front of his garage -- filled with "assorted stuff" in $.50 boxes from auctions and garage sales -- and telling DH that some day "all of this will be yours". Poor DH was probably quaking in his shoes at the thought of toting all Dad's 'valuables' to the dump some day.


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
North Idaho 48th parallel
Welcome from north Idaho Henless (no longer)!
I have heard from a lot of family friends how pretty east Texas is.
I have only been as far as Dallas, and that was in July.
I remember a lot of sweating!


Garden Addicted
Jan 4, 2016
Reaction score
East Texas Zone 8b
I collect at lest 10 different things !! My favorite is a china made by Spode copland called greek

That is some pretty china!

You have a cute dog in your avatar pic. It looks like a Chow Chow? I haven't seen one in a good while.

Welcome from north Idaho Henless (no longer)!
I have heard from a lot of family friends how pretty east Texas is.
I have only been as far as Dallas, and that was in July.
I remember a lot of sweating!

Yep, it's really hot & humid here in the summer. You get up and get your outside stuff done by 10am. It's just too hot to do much in the middle of the day. East Texas is pretty, lots of trees and lots of green. Most people think Texas is flat prairie land. It's a very diverse state.

Hi there in East Texas, welcome from Calavada. Good you dropping by, it'll be nice hearing what you're up to.


Thanks for the welcome Richard! Love the snow in your avatar pic. We get snow rarely here, and when we do everything basically shuts down! lol

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