Garden Addicted
Hi Jellybean, from next door in Montana. Also a greenhouse newbie, sorta! I've been putting one up in the spring for, I think, the last 3 years. Actually, I missed last year, so THIS year is my 3rd year with a greenhouse. Here's a link to my thread about this year's greenhouse going up, earlier this week.
Here's another post about various members greenhouses/hoophouses with pictures.
And here's a thread about my 2012 greenhouse.
I don't leave the plastic on all summer, it's too hard to keep cool and causes problems with mildew, mold and bugs. Commercial greenhouses use shade cloth, you would probably want to consider getting some if you want to have yours up all summer. AND it's super handy to have a wireless thermometer that beams the temps from inside the greenhouse into the house, for convenience. You'll have to do a lot of fiddling and adjusting of doors and vents to keep the temps within an acceptable range, it's much easier to be able to see how hot it is in the greenhouse from the comfort of your living room!
Here's another post about various members greenhouses/hoophouses with pictures.
And here's a thread about my 2012 greenhouse.
I don't leave the plastic on all summer, it's too hard to keep cool and causes problems with mildew, mold and bugs. Commercial greenhouses use shade cloth, you would probably want to consider getting some if you want to have yours up all summer. AND it's super handy to have a wireless thermometer that beams the temps from inside the greenhouse into the house, for convenience. You'll have to do a lot of fiddling and adjusting of doors and vents to keep the temps within an acceptable range, it's much easier to be able to see how hot it is in the greenhouse from the comfort of your living room!