Hello from Pennsylvania!

Mrs. Thankful

Attractive To Bees
Dec 3, 2015
Reaction score
Zone 7 - PA
Thank you all for the warm welcome!

To answer some questions... I belong to a forum called HomesteadingToday and someone had this site in their signature.

I say a tiny homestead because some get up in arms if you don't have acreage. :) What a homestead means to me is a home that is central you ones life, not just a place to hang your hat.

I sew, cook from scratch, make our own cleaning supplies, soaps, lotions, medicines (mostly) etc.

We wanted to buy many acres and live more rural but my husband has recently became disabled so we modified our dream and bought a tiny house in town with a big front & back yard.

We just moved here in April. Since it was Spring, we were able to get a bunch of things going. We spent a lot of time on the garden and have barely unpacked! I figure the winter will be a good time since we will be stuck in the house.

This year we grew: watermelon (2 types), fingerling potatoes, carrots, lettuce, eggplant, onion, tomato, cucumbers, zucchini, green & red peppers, started a strawberry patch and 2 grape vines.

It was an adventure going around the yard finding what sprouted from the previous owners... we have 2 strange trees, they flowered for about 10 days then turned to green leaves.

We found a bunch of hostas and Indian strawberry.

We are steadily working on our compost pile.

My screen name is the same on all sites I join - I am a positive person who has gone through much sorrow. I strive to remain thankful and humble daily.

We love Bucks county, we used to go tubing in the summers. We go to Bethlehem for the Putz. And I know about Altoona since I went to PennState :)

Can't wait to learn more about you all - PS. I will enable YOUR growing as well - you are forewarned :weee


Garden Master
Oct 2, 2010
Reaction score
White Plains NY,weekends Lagrange NY.
I think your right on the money about homestead not needing acreage. My grandmother fed a large family on pennies a day, because of the home produce food she had.All on a tiny city lot. @baymule before her move had chickens, ducks,rabbits and grew vegetable also in a city size lot.

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
On an earlier post I said you will love it here at TEG.... I stand corrected. WE are going to LOVE YOU here. :hugs Welcome again.

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
Carol Dee is so right on about loving you here, Mrs. Thankful!

No one here has ever aimed a sneer toward a small garden or tiny homestead. In many ways, growing enough for a family on a small "spread" is harder and more challenging than it is with land aplenty.

Don't ever feel you have to apologize for the size of your property. It's the size of your efforts and successes we want to celebrate with you. And, I suspect we will be wanting to learn a lot from you as well.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Yes I did grow a lot of food on a tiny city lot--just a few blocks from City Hall! Welcome to TEG, you will fit right in here. You will like it here, this is the nicest bunch of folks anywhere on the internet. We will celebrate your success with you and commiserate your failures with you. You can post when you are in a blue funk, when nothing goes right and everything is going wrong and we will be your support. Tell us all about the happy times and we will throw you an internet party. Best of all, you are with friends. You will never get that stone-faced-roll-their-eyes reaction from us when you gush about the tomato plant you grew, or how excited you are over a truckload of horse manure. We just happen to also love truck loads of horse manure and some of us even drive around town, baggin'. Baggin' is a support activity connected to good gardening. Baggin' is grabbing bags of leaves that city people thoughtfully rake and bag for us to pick up. Baggin' is reaping the bounty of the Lord to dump on our gardens to enrich the soil for next years garden. I used the proceeds of baggin' to dump in my chicken coop and run which my chickens turned to beautiful dark crumbly compost. We come from all walks of life, we have widely divergent interests, we work at all types of jobs, we are retired, we are financially comfortable, we are poor in $$ but rich in friends, we live in different countries, but the tie that binds us all together is our love of gardening. Welcome to the TEG family.

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
Yes I did grow a lot of food on a tiny city lot--just a few blocks from City Hall! Welcome to TEG, you will fit right in here. You will like it here, this is the nicest bunch of folks anywhere on the internet. We will celebrate your success with you and commiserate your failures with you. You can post when you are in a blue funk, when nothing goes right and everything is going wrong and we will be your support. Tell us all about the happy times and we will throw you an internet party. Best of all, you are with friends. You will never get that stone-faced-roll-their-eyes reaction from us when you gush about the tomato plant you grew, or how excited you are over a truckload of horse manure. We just happen to also love truck loads of horse manure and some of us even drive around town, baggin'. Baggin' is a support activity connected to good gardening. Baggin' is grabbing bags of leaves that city people thoughtfully rake and bag for us to pick up. Baggin' is reaping the bounty of the Lord to dump on our gardens to enrich the soil for next years garden. I used the proceeds of baggin' to dump in my chicken coop and run which my chickens turned to beautiful dark crumbly compost. We come from all walks of life, we have widely divergent interests, we work at all types of jobs, we are retired, we are financially comfortable, we are poor in $$ but rich in friends, we live in different countries, but the tie that binds us all together is our love of gardening. Welcome to the TEG family.
Well said Dear Friend. :)

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