Hello, from SW Michigan


Attractive To Bees
Apr 28, 2021
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for me it is acclimation to the heat and humidity but also how much extra weight i'm carrying. last year i dropped 10 extra pounds and that really helped how much tolerance i had for heat. this year i hope i can drop another 10.

i can't acclimate as much here as i used to do because Mom must have the AC running or she has trouble breathing. when i have a place of my own i use a small fan instead and that was all i needed most of the time, take a cool shower if it got really too hot out that i couldn't bear it. i tend to have sinus problems if i go in and out of AC so once i am done for the morning on a hot day i won't go back outside right away but wait until later.
I too would like to drop 10 lbs., maybe 15 and I know it would help! I just have been having trouble with self control. I was thinking of starting a thread about healthy eating, or healthy lifestyle. Although, I do eat healthy, most of the time. Maybe sort of support group type thread to encourage one another to make right eating choices.


Attractive To Bees
Feb 25, 2021
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North East Oklahoma
Hello Fellow Easy Gardeners! I recognize a few names on here from sister sites. My name from two sister sites is JanetMarie. I decided to be know as Sparrow on here, because of their happy songs. I also love the happy songs of Goldfinches, and love all birds in general (except Cowbirds, and others like them).

I grow vegetables of all kinds, and don't consider easy gardening to be accomplished by using herbicides! I grow organically, and do the hard work of pulling weeds. When it gets too hot in the summer to weed during the day, and too mosquitoey at night, the weeds rise up and try to take control, but regardless still have success!

Sometimes, but seldomly for sake of sanity, I use deet. Rosemany EO diluted with a carrier oil helps too, and that's what I normally use, if I don't mind being oily. But better than being all bit up!

Also, have chickens, muscovy ducks, and two Walker line Cotton Patch geese. Currently my goose is brooding a nest of muscovy eggs.
Hello I'm originally from Battle Creek, MI, now live in Oklahoma. I have a small vegetable garden but next year I'm gonna try the Back to Eden method and have a bigger garden. It will save on watering and weeding here when it stays 90+ all summer and humid as can be.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
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mid-Michigan, USoA
I too would like to drop 10 lbs., maybe 15 and I know it would help! I just have been having trouble with self control. I was thinking of starting a thread about healthy eating, or healthy lifestyle. Although, I do eat healthy, most of the time. Maybe sort of support group type thread to encourage one another to make right eating choices.

mid-to-late winter is tough on me for self-discipline, once spring comes along and i start moving more again it helps.

sure, if you want to start a thread go ahead, looks like Random Ramblings is the place to put it. :)


Garden Addicted
Nov 24, 2020
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Pacific Northwest
I have bodacious lambsquarters. The sheep love it, but since it mostly grows in my garden, I have to pull it to take it to them. I wouldn’t mind a big field of that stuff, it makes great sheep forage, just not in my garden!
That's awesome! I love volunteer veggies - wild and domesticated! I've heard lambs quarters are good for foraging. I've not tried those yet. However, I've had chickweed grow over my entire garden area before I knew what it was and I gathered it up like weeds and threw it in the garbage. Now I know better and love to eat the chickweed when it pops up in my garden here and there! When it's young it's great on sandwiches and burgers!


Attractive To Bees
Apr 28, 2021
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Garden more, eat vegetables More, eat bread less.
DD has lost 15 pounds in the past 2 months by cutting out bread.
Just a thought...
I know! I did something like that before (cut out all grain products, and all sugars), but my mistake was not indulging occasionally. What not to do is think about what I can't eat or better yet think about food at all and wait to eat until my body yells "Hey feed me!" and keep busy or obsessed with something. Which I now am obsessed with Coral Bells and Hosta plants the last few days. It's been awhile since I've been obsessed with something.
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