Garden Ornament
Buried between weeds and a huge sage patch, I found a small, but sprawling plant. It's quite fragrant--- but not one I planted last year-- perhaps from 2 years ago... I know it doesn't look like chervil-- so the only other possibilities (that I can't identify, at least) are either summer savory or thyme. I'm not sure I've ever tasted or smelled either-- and they didn't grow when I planted them both 2 and 3 years ago..
Here's as good a photo as I could get:
The fragrance is actually very overwhelming.... as it sits on the desk below my nose, it's really "too much" for me.... so, whatever it is, perhaps I don't want to continue growing it, LOL.
I tried a bit of a nibble, and it's hard to taste, with such an odor, but seems to have a peppery afterbite.
Here's as good a photo as I could get:
The fragrance is actually very overwhelming.... as it sits on the desk below my nose, it's really "too much" for me.... so, whatever it is, perhaps I don't want to continue growing it, LOL.
I tried a bit of a nibble, and it's hard to taste, with such an odor, but seems to have a peppery afterbite.