hi yall from central Texas.


Chillin' In The Garden
May 12, 2015
Reaction score
Thank yall for the warm welcome.
About me my wife and I live in Gholson Texas (just 12 miles north of waco) on a 2 acres of mainly post oak, black jack oak and a few mulberry trees. Gholson is well known for watermelon and cantaloupes seeing we mainly have what we call sugar sand (trust me it's not really that sweet, I've had a mouth full a time or two). My garden this year is about 40 ft x 50 ft. In it I have 1 row of red potatoes, 2 rows of bush snap beans (Festa and contenders), 3 rows of cantaloupes (Hale's best, sugar queens, and some other type that I ate last year and really like, hoping it not hybrid ), 1 row of watermelons (black Diamond and something else that I can't remember at this time), tried cauliflower this year and it did OK (just 6 transplants ) and a few squash and zucchini plants. As far as out side the garden I try and keep up with my Double delight, Mr Lincoln and a few odd ball rose bushes as well as my passion vines (does not produce and fruit or seeds). And my 20 hens and 3 roosters. They earn their keep in feed from egg sales and giving me top notch compose and bug control. 5 welsh harlequin ducks, 2 moody pygmy nannies that help keep the brier patches down. And last but not least 3 dogs and one pregnant bob tail cat named tippie. So I take care of all that and work full time. Sometimes I just want to.. :th
And my wife says I don't talk much! Lol


Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
San Francisco East Bay
Wow centex101, I think your wife is wrong. lol My favorite fruits are melons and watermelons. It's too bad my weather is not hot enough for them. It's always cool here. But this year I am trying to grown Diplmat Galia melons in a nursery tree container. So far it has lots of flowers. I figured the black pot would heat up and they may like it. Hopefully not enough to cook the roots though.

Welcome! in case I haven't said it yet.



Chillin' In The Garden
May 12, 2015
Reaction score
When your passion vines make Maypops, will you please send me seed? I had them growing wild in Livingston, but didn't get to get any before we moved. I'm sure I have seed to trade with you. (2 buckets of assorted seeds)

Wish I could send you some. Mine don't produce fruit or maypops. I do by the happen to have 5 sprouts in containers. I'm putting 1 or 2 out in a new location. Was just going to trade with some local gardeners for whatever I could with the others.
Buy the way where is baymule?


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
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Trinity County Texas
@centex101 I am north of Tyler, TX. We have sugar sand and black Jack oaks too. If you want to call somebody to your thread, use an @ and start typing their name. Usually several pop up, click on the one you want. Then they get an alert like you just did. Cool, huh?

I had maypops on some other property we had. We still have stuff to move off of it, been too wet, it's black clay gumbo. And no, I don't miss that gooey slick glop one bit. Haha, druther have the sugar sand! Maybe when we can go back for a load, I can find one out in the field.

Anyway, delighted to have you here!


Chillin' In The Garden
May 12, 2015
Reaction score
@centex101 I am north of Tyler, TX. We have sugar sand and black Jack oaks too. If you want to call somebody to your thread, use an @ and start typing their name. Usually several pop up, click on the one you want. Then they get an alert like you just did. Cool, huh?

I had maypops on some other property we had. We still have stuff to move off of it, been too wet, it's black clay gumbo. And no, I don't miss that gooey slick glop one bit. Haha, druther have the sugar sand! Maybe when we can go back for a load, I can find one out in the field.

Anyway, delighted to have you here!

Well that's good to know ,thanks. Guess this old dog learned another trick. We have been thinking about heading to Tyler to check out the rose garden over the. Went there about 4-5 years ago and love it. Think we might go again before it gets to hot.

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