Well, I am glad for the outcome. So give him another chance and pay him when it's done. They say you should never leave a worker alone in your house anyway. But, we all usually must do things that way.
I concur with Cat, since he did a good job, hire him again. BUT only when you can be there to prod him to finish and pay him when the job is done to your satisfaction.
My husband used to hire a couple of brothers with a drug problem. Had a tough life, tough family, in and out of rehab. He had taught them both is school. He was one of the few teachers that they liked. When they worked they worked like 5 men, and were nice people. Another friend used to hire them when they were straight. When they were in a good place they could get a ton of work. But, when it came to steady work they would last a few weeks and then not show up-get paid-get high. They finally got in trouble to stealing copper pipes out of the summer cottages. We were lucky that they never stole from us. Several friends of ours wanted to hire them but, we always felt there was some risk. I think they are in jail now. Some people start off with out a chance in life.
]Or u can say, I lucked out and don't press your luck Think this is way to go, I do believe in giving people chances, But I don't have time to baby sit.
I'm glad the job got done and you're happy with it.
So how old is this 'child'? Perhaps somebody has been holding his hand a bit too long, time to sink or swim. Seems some people need to feel the seaweed on their feet to start kicking.