Garden Master
So where are your sample mixology drinks to be consumed by all of us Greek Gods after Mercury makes his deliveries ?LOL Mary I am a great host thats only 2 out of hundreds of visits. I did laugh rather hard at your post.
So where are your sample mixology drinks to be consumed by all of us Greek Gods after Mercury makes his deliveries ?LOL Mary I am a great host thats only 2 out of hundreds of visits. I did laugh rather hard at your post.
On the subject of canned goods and expiration dates... I read about some folks that were cleaning out the farmhouse of a deceased relative and they found some jars of food in the cellar. One was labeled "Roast Veal" and was dated a little over a hundred years ago. They took the jar to the local extension office (or was it the local university? I forget) to have it tested out of curiosity. Not only was the meat still perfectly safe, it had retained almost all of its nutritive value.
I think it might be safe to say that you don't really need to worry about expiration dates if the seal is good.