Garden Master

How on earth can you loves something so intent on hurting you!A have a client I will call Kathy, she has a Lhasa apso. We are the dogs 13 groomer. Kathy has scars all over her arms from the dogs bites. Every 4 weeks she brings in the dog muzzles it and hold his head while groomer shaves she then tips groomer $100 dog is never bathed. One day she showed me a really bad bite on her hand. I said if he was my dog I would take him to vets and he would come home in a urn. She loves this dog
I guess that is what it is like , yet .... if I found myself in an abusive relationship I would send him packing or RUN myself. (I know that is easy to say not having the experience 1st hand.)It is like people in a abusive relationship. Their partner beats them up yet they still love them