Leafing Out
I think I way underestimated my plan this year in the garden so I am looking for comparisons from other folks. My garden is about 30x60 on a slight slope in the front not fenced with our mini orchard at the end of it......second year garden although not much work has been done due to my breaking my leg and ankle the soil still needs work it is a finer sandy mix with lots of organic content but still needs more.....ok it is a major work in progress but making do until I have full time and energy to devote to it. It is part of my therapy to motivate me to be more mobile. Back onto subject I have a large family of six (seems large to me anyways) and my plan was to have fresh veggies through summer and harvesting as well as have enough to share and can, freeze, prepare, and put up until next summer. I thought yea sure 13 tomato plants will be plenty well now I am not thinking that so much. Ok for salsa and stews and sides I figured two rows of peppers yes surely well now maybe not!!! I need a plan to figure out how much to plant to have more than enough rather than not even enough to put up. In addition to the garden we have a small seperate watermelon patch (14 plants) which is fenced, wild blackberries if we fight off the snakes in the back of property behind pasture area, 5 grown peach trees that were here when we came, one plum tree which was loaded last year with huge purple plums, and last year we planted 2 apple and 2 more plum trees in our orchard but they have years yet to grow. Any suggestions or comparisons anyone?