How can I fix my soil so my beans and cukes stop getting diseased?


Chillin' In The Garden
Jun 15, 2008
Reaction score
Los Angeles
I had been looking into rye grass or barley as cover crops. I have already ordered some beneficial nematodes and was going to ask if I should do them now. Won't they die if I wait until I'm done solarizing? Can I put them in the fridge for 4-6 weeks? I didn't plan that one out well. If I add them now, will the beneficial nematodes live if I solarize a few weeks after I add them?

I did the test on the plants and it's not bacterial wilt. No white stuff or gooey ooey. All of my corn has finished producing so I've pulled up all of those plants, so no more aphids.
One less thing to worry about. Next year I'll keep a closer eye on the aphid population. I had a ton of lady bugs that came naturally into my garden this year. Obviously because I had enough aphids for them. :D

We have the best climate here. I can grow year round. One perk of living in L.A. Should I solarize all of my boxes this year? The one that is causing the most problems I will do soon. The others are doing very well and no sign of problems, so far. Is solarizing a good idea even if there are no signs? We tend to have a very, very hot September so I was planning on planting the fall/winter crop in late Sept. early Oct. I have a small garden plot that I plant with my students every year and I usually do a fall and spring crop with them. Lots of fun.

Thanks so much for helping me through this soil problem.