Garden Master
Was that a challenge, Nifty?!? :weight
"Question: How much manure would six chickens produce in gallons or pounds on a weekly basis?
"Answer: Six commercial laying hens will generate approximately 11 pounds of manure every week or 1.5 gallons. Broilers will generate less . . . "
University of Missouri
So, if you've got 6 hens and 100 pounds of shavings in the coop - you'll need to clean it out every 4 to 6 weeks. (Or, throw another 100 pounds in and wait 8 to 12 weeks . . .
"Question: How much manure would six chickens produce in gallons or pounds on a weekly basis?
"Answer: Six commercial laying hens will generate approximately 11 pounds of manure every week or 1.5 gallons. Broilers will generate less . . . "
University of Missouri
So, if you've got 6 hens and 100 pounds of shavings in the coop - you'll need to clean it out every 4 to 6 weeks. (Or, throw another 100 pounds in and wait 8 to 12 weeks . . .