How I Spent My Day Updated Puppy Photos


Garden Master
Oct 2, 2010
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White Plains NY,weekends Lagrange NY.
She was tough being raised in the Bronx. Once when first married she was coming home from store. Even back then the Bronx could be a very dangerous place. The doors to her building where never locked. A man entered right behind her. She lived on the 1st floor and always took the stairs. She had a bad feeling about the man who had followed her. Half way upstairs she turned and confronted the man asking him what he wanted. He replied he wanted to make love to her. Nana reach in her shopping bag and pulled out a bottle of soda, back them soda came in glass bottles. She smashed the bottle against the wall and said I going to turn you into a woman. Seeing a very angry woman with a sharp weapon he turned and fled. My grandmother ran to her apartment and called the police. When the police came there was no sign of the man. The police told my grandmother a man fitting his description had rape 3 woman in the area.


Garden Master
Oct 2, 2010
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White Plains NY,weekends Lagrange NY.
Today 1st day of solid food, now it gets messy.


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
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Eastern Panhandle, WV
My grandparents had a cocker mix that was insane. For no reason he would go into a rage and attack.My grandfather loved him my grandmother hated him. One day my grandmother was in the kitchen and the dog went for her, she picked up a cast iron frying pan and hit the dog over the head as hard as she could.The dog was motionless on the floor, she called my grandfather to tell him she just killed his dog. The dog slowly got to his feet and hid under the bed. For the next 10 years he bite many people but never tryed to mess with grandma again.

NY, the more I hear about your family, the more I feel we may be related! I LOVE your stories!!!! Your grandma reminds me of ME.

Had a friend who had a little Brittany spaniel mix dog that was like that...would bite anyone who got near my friend or even looked the dog in the eye. They used to lock it away in a room when visitors came. I came over one day and the dog was in the kitchen with my friend and my friend said, "Just don't look her in the eyes!"

Well...of course, what's the first thing a person does when someone says that? So I did. That dog lunged at me, I caught her lower jaw in my hand as she flew through the air, squeezed as hard as I could while I turned her over on the floor. She was screaming and my friend was screaming for me to let her go....I looked at her and calmly asked her why I should let her go? She screamed, "You're hurting her!!!!"

I replied, "She tried to hurt me first!"

I let her go and the dog ran into the other room and stayed there while I continued my visit. Thereafter and all the years they owned the dog, I was the only person who could enter that home safely. The dog would retreat to the farthest place from me and stay there until I had gone.

Seems to me that a person with a dog like that is the one who needs the skillet upside the head for even allowing such rude behavior.


Garden Master
Sep 16, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Wa. Zone 5/6 ?
My grandparents had a cocker mix that was insane. For no reason he would go into a rage and attack.My grandfather loved him my grandmother hated him. One day my grandmother was in the kitchen and the dog went for her, she picked up a cast iron frying pan and hit the dog over the head as hard as she could.The dog was motionless on the floor, she called my grandfather to tell him she just killed his dog. The dog slowly got to his feet and hid under the bed. For the next 10 years he bite many people but never tryed to mess with grandma again.
A pot knot on your head solidifies the lesson I hear.

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