How is your garden doing so far?

Purple Strawberry

Garden Ornament
Mar 9, 2009
Reaction score
Hamilton, Georgia
karanleaf said:
I never knew about mixing up some BT and cornmeal it really seems to work on the cutworm issue . Wow good info

I use empty toliet paper roll for a cut worm collar at the ground level of my tomato and pepper plants .

:happy_flower Karan :D
So you cut one side and wrap it around the steam to protect it from the worm and outside elements? I might do this as a procautio (sp).


Garden Ornament
Jul 5, 2008
Reaction score
Glenwood, Missouri zone 5
Purple Strawberry said:
karanleaf said:
I never knew about mixing up some BT and cornmeal it really seems to work on the cutworm issue . Wow good info

I use empty toliet paper roll for a cut worm collar at the ground level of my tomato and pepper plants .

:happy_flower Karan :D
So you cut one side and wrap it around the steam to protect it from the worm and outside elements? I might do this as a procautio (sp).
Yes It is so the cutworm can't eat at the stem and after a long time the paper tube just breaks down It has worked for me for years. :clap

:happy_flower Karan :D


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Our plants are our companions and focusing on the positive side of relationships seems to make a great deal of sense. I try to choose varieties that have appeal to DW and the friends we share plants with and the neighbors who can see our yard.

I have fairly large gardens and I'm barely able to practice any avoidance in rotations. China asters . . . oh boy, those plants seem to get sick at the drop of the hat (the shrinking violets of the plant world ;)). I don't think you should even plant them where you had their distant cousins the zinnias the year before. I chase snapdragons with asters and vice versa around the flower garden, year after year.

COgirl said:
. . . Considering we had a rough start with our weather and major cutworm issues I'm pretty satisfied with where my garden is at the moment, I have maybe a couple more days worth of planting and then finishing up the three sisters garden, but for now I'm off to mix up some BT and cornmeal it really seems to be working on the cutworm issue a huge thank you to Catalina for the suggestion :hugs
I'm curious about your location in CO, COgirl. I understand that the eastern plains have cutworm problems this year - wheat field, pastures, the whole nine yards.



Garden Ornament
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Steve, we are about 20 miles east of Colorado Springs. We had such a mild winter there is just an over abundance of the little buggers. The BT certainly helped save my garden I had cutworms climbing my collars :ep . I am seeing more miller moths so hopefully folks will start seeing some relief. Things should be good for awhile until the hail season starts :hide

Hattie the Hen

Deeply Rooted
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
UK.-- Near Oxford
I've been very brave today: I removed the floating fleece from around my raised beds.......!! :fl :fl Earlier in the year I had it covering each bed (over hoops). Then I had it round the beds, fixed by pegs to canes at each corner: this gave the growing plants protection from the high winds, the cold & my marauding chickens! I gradually removed one side of each bed to see whether they would leap in 7 pulleverything apart but they had got used to the beds by then & were bored by them & better things to wreck elsewhere. :celebrate

Needless to say I have kept the fleece nearby in case of frosts (we can get them through to the end of the 1st week of June in this area. Also I never quite trust my nosey chickens...!!

The beds look incredibly neat as the walls have kept the plants upright. I would love to keep this look BUT......!! I have gone round each bed with string fixed to the corner poles so this should help somewhat.

The first 3 beds contain peas, broad beans, garlic, parsley, chives, & runner beans. I am just about to try out my camera, take some photos & try to load it up here. :old :old :idunno THAT SHOULD BE FUN !! :lol:


:rose Hattie :rose


Garden Ornament
Jul 5, 2008
Reaction score
Glenwood, Missouri zone 5
Hattie my Garden Sister be careful and take it easy as I know you are sore at best.. :th :hu
If you don't behave I may just have to take a loan out :rolleyes: against DH :rolleyes: hmm wonder how much I could get? :gig To buy tickets and fly over there to watch over you, :old :rant ;) And teach you how to get your photos posted :caf :thumbsup
Love ya Dear :hugs So take care of yourself. :hugs

:happy_flower Karan :D

Oh I had radish butter sandwich yesterday :clap :clap :p Yumm Yumm :D


Garden Ornament
Nov 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario, CANADA
Finally I have some photos of everything! I started out early, probably around the first week of April I was putting lettuce and that in the ground (seeds of course) which didn't germinate until mid April-ish...I'm guesstimating of course.

Here is my Rhubarb, these things are pretty old and we inherited them. They come up to about my chest and I'm 5'10" ...I swear they're HUGE


This is the new beds for the front garden, I'm still not finished putting the limestone wall up but there is enough there to hold in soil! So far I have planted two strawberries in it that were hanging basket strawberries (VERY pot-bound) and they're doing great, in the back I have three cone flower so far, one regular pink, one sunrise (orange, yellow, pink) and one GREEN, the sunrise is starting to flower now but the others haven't started yet. In front of the green and regular cone flower is two sweet basil, I want to put something else on the other side in front of the sunrise coneflower (i'm planning on putting another coneflower with it, probably another green), and then in the back is rampant thyme around the wall, and the teepee is for beans which haven't sprouted yet, as well there is a random tomato :)

Oh and in the pot to the right are Jalepeno peppers


Here is the main vegetable garden, its about 20 x 30

From left to right, Brussels, Broccoli, Cauliflower, empty space reserved for more Brussels & that, Romaine lettuce, Spinach, Garlic, Red & White Onions, Bunching Onions, Carrots (3 rows), Potatoes...

The trellis is for peas which are just starting to attach themselves to the bottom of it, I used electric fence tape that I had left over, 3 t-posts, and insulators :)


Our apple trees have all got blossoms on them! We have 3 Gala apples and two other varieties but I can't remember what they are LOL


Cherries! We wrapped them in garbage bags for that frost we had, and they're alllll good. Obviously I won't be able to do that when they get big, but I'll do my darndest to protect as much of the crop as I can LOL


Nectarine blossoms fell off this week, and there is fruit appearing...


Bunching onions in a tea kettle we found in the driveshed...


And lastly! Is my lilac not freakishly large or what?! Its actually taller than the house.. and has limbs on it at least 6 inches around! Look, its like 1.5 times the size of my truck.



Garden Ornament
Feb 22, 2009
Reaction score
Charleston, SC - Zone 8
lupinfarm said:
Finally I have some photos of everything! I started out early, probably around the first week of April I was putting lettuce and that in the ground (seeds of course) which didn't germinate until mid April-ish...I'm guesstimating of course.

Here is my Rhubarb, these things are pretty old and we inherited them. They come up to about my chest and I'm 5'10" ...I swear they're HUGE

This is the new beds for the front garden, I'm still not finished putting the limestone wall up but there is enough there to hold in soil! So far I have planted two strawberries in it that were hanging basket strawberries (VERY pot-bound) and they're doing great, in the back I have three cone flower so far, one regular pink, one sunrise (orange, yellow, pink) and one GREEN, the sunrise is starting to flower now but the others haven't started yet. In front of the green and regular cone flower is two sweet basil, I want to put something else on the other side in front of the sunrise coneflower (i'm planning on putting another coneflower with it, probably another green), and then in the back is rampant thyme around the wall, and the teepee is for beans which haven't sprouted yet, as well there is a random tomato :)

Oh and in the pot to the right are Jalepeno peppers

Here is the main vegetable garden, its about 20 x 30

From left to right, Brussels, Broccoli, Cauliflower, empty space reserved for more Brussels & that, Romaine lettuce, Spinach, Garlic, Red & White Onions, Bunching Onions, Carrots (3 rows), Potatoes...

The trellis is for peas which are just starting to attach themselves to the bottom of it, I used electric fence tape that I had left over, 3 t-posts, and insulators :)

Our apple trees have all got blossoms on them! We have 3 Gala apples and two other varieties but I can't remember what they are LOL

Cherries! We wrapped them in garbage bags for that frost we had, and they're alllll good. Obviously I won't be able to do that when they get big, but I'll do my darndest to protect as much of the crop as I can LOL

Nectarine blossoms fell off this week, and there is fruit appearing...

Bunching onions in a tea kettle we found in the driveshed...

And lastly! Is my lilac not freakishly large or what?! Its actually taller than the house.. and has limbs on it at least 6 inches around! Look, its like 1.5 times the size of my truck.
Everything looks really great! I love your bed with the limestone around it. I would love to do something similar. Did you buy the stones or get them somewhere (construction site?). How high are you making it?


Garden Ornament
Nov 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario, CANADA
GrowinVeggiesInSC said:
lupinfarm said:
Finally I have some photos of everything! I started out early, probably around the first week of April I was putting lettuce and that in the ground (seeds of course) which didn't germinate until mid April-ish...I'm guesstimating of course.

Here is my Rhubarb, these things are pretty old and we inherited them. They come up to about my chest and I'm 5'10" ...I swear they're HUGE

This is the new beds for the front garden, I'm still not finished putting the limestone wall up but there is enough there to hold in soil! So far I have planted two strawberries in it that were hanging basket strawberries (VERY pot-bound) and they're doing great, in the back I have three cone flower so far, one regular pink, one sunrise (orange, yellow, pink) and one GREEN, the sunrise is starting to flower now but the others haven't started yet. In front of the green and regular cone flower is two sweet basil, I want to put something else on the other side in front of the sunrise coneflower (i'm planning on putting another coneflower with it, probably another green), and then in the back is rampant thyme around the wall, and the teepee is for beans which haven't sprouted yet, as well there is a random tomato :)

Oh and in the pot to the right are Jalepeno peppers

Here is the main vegetable garden, its about 20 x 30

From left to right, Brussels, Broccoli, Cauliflower, empty space reserved for more Brussels & that, Romaine lettuce, Spinach, Garlic, Red & White Onions, Bunching Onions, Carrots (3 rows), Potatoes...

The trellis is for peas which are just starting to attach themselves to the bottom of it, I used electric fence tape that I had left over, 3 t-posts, and insulators :)

Our apple trees have all got blossoms on them! We have 3 Gala apples and two other varieties but I can't remember what they are LOL

Cherries! We wrapped them in garbage bags for that frost we had, and they're alllll good. Obviously I won't be able to do that when they get big, but I'll do my darndest to protect as much of the crop as I can LOL

Nectarine blossoms fell off this week, and there is fruit appearing...

Bunching onions in a tea kettle we found in the driveshed...

And lastly! Is my lilac not freakishly large or what?! Its actually taller than the house.. and has limbs on it at least 6 inches around! Look, its like 1.5 times the size of my truck.
Everything looks really great! I love your bed with the limestone around it. I would love to do something similar. Did you buy the stones or get them somewhere (construction site?). How high are you making it?
We actually live in limestone country! Its all field limestone from the fields that farmers have piled up on the fencelines over the years. Some of it we got from a local whose limestone garage blew down in a recent windstorm. The back wall will be approx 4 rows high maybe 5 eventually, so knee height, maybe higher, and then the others will descend in height to make it look like a waterfall bed.


Garden Ornament
Feb 22, 2009
Reaction score
Charleston, SC - Zone 8
lupinfarm said:
We actually live in limestone country! Its all field limestone from the fields that farmers have piled up on the fencelines over the years. Some of it we got from a local whose limestone garage blew down in a recent windstorm. The back wall will be approx 4 rows high maybe 5 eventually, so knee height, maybe higher, and then the others will descend in height to make it look like a waterfall bed.
Oh, you are so lucky! It sounds like it's going to be awesome! Wish I had a resource like that!

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