Can I plant just one, or do I need two? Do I need different variaties? How much space do they need? I have never had a pear tree before, only apples, peaches, and plums. I think I only have room for one tree if it's a big one.
Now I've just ordered apricot and apple trees. I did read about some pear trees, but we used to have them and we didn't harvest them fully and fastly enough and they rotted on the ground quickly... we ended up with armies of squirrels living all around us and getting in our house. (It was a way small yard then)
I swear certain pears do need to cross pollinate with themselves or certain varieties like Apples. I don't think its every variety of pear that needs this though!
Here are 2 kinds that they suggest planting 2 of to ensure pollination:
my grandmother has one pear tree, it is an old late variety of Bartlet but I dont remember the name. There is only one but there is also an apple tree across the road so Im not sure
Some varieties of pears are self-pollinating but most require another variety as a pollinator. Even the self-pollinating varieties will bear better if they are cross-pollinated.
If you are limited in space, consider a 2-in1 tree with two varieties grafted onto the same tree. Or you might consider dwarf trees.