How One 75-Year-Old Soybean Farmer Could Deal A Blow To Monsantos Emp


Deeply Rooted
Aug 27, 2009
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How One 75-Year-Old Soybean Farmer Could Deal A Blow To Monsantos Empire Today
By Aviva Shen on Feb 19, 2013 at 1:40 pm

On Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear a 75-year-old soybean farmers appeal against biotech giant Monsanto, in a case that could permanently reshape the genetically modified (GM) crop industry. Victor Hugh Bowman has been battling the corporation since 2007, when Monsanto sued him for violating their patent protection by purchasing second-generation GM seeds from a grain elevator. An appeals court ruled in favor of Monsanto, and despite the Obama administrations urging to let the decision stand, the nine justices will hear Bowman make his case today.

Monsanto is notorious among farmers for the companys aggressive investigations and pursuit of farmers they believe have infringed on Monsantos patents. In the past 13 years, Monsanto has sued 410 farmers and 56 small farm businesses, almost always settling out of court (the few farmers that can afford to go to trial are always defeated). These farmers were usually sued for saving second-generation seeds for the next harvest a basic farming practice rendered illegal because seeds generated by GM crops contain Monsantos patented genes.

Monsantos winning streak hinges on a controversial Supreme Court decision from 1981, which ruled on a 5-4 split that living organisms could be patented as private property. As a result of that decision, every new generation of GM seeds and their self-replicating technology is considered Monsantos property.

Unfortunately, second- and third-generation seeds are very hard to track, which may explain why Monsanto devotes $10 million a year and 75 staffers to investigating farmers for possible patent violations. Seeds are easily carried by birds or blown by the wind into fields of non-GM seeds, exposing farmers who have never bought seeds from Monsanto to lawsuits. Organic and conventional seeds are fast becoming extinct 93 percent of soybeans, 88 percent of cotton, and 86 percent of corn in the US are grown from Monsantos patented seeds. A recent study discovered that at least half of the organic seeds in the US are contaminated with some genetically modified material.

Bowmans appeal gives the Supreme Court an opportunity to determine whether or not Monsanto is using patent enforcement to control their monopoly on a vital resource. As GM seeds become more ubiquitous, farmers who want to avoid Monsantos strict patents have few alternatives. As a recently released Center for Food Safety report notes, the concentration of market power among Monsanto and a handful of other companies has led to skyrocketing seed prices and less innovation by smaller firms:

USDA data show that since the introduction of GE seed, the average cost of soybean seed to plant one acre has risen by a dramatic 325 percent, from $13.32 to $56.58. Similar trends exist for corn and cotton seeds: cotton seeds spiked 516 percent from 1995-2011 and corn seed costs rose 259 percent over the same period.
[...] USDA economists have found that seed industry consolidation has reduced research and likely resulted in fewer crop varieties on offer: Those companies that survived seed industry consolidation appear to be sponsoring less research relative to the size of their individual markets than when more companies were involved Also, fewer companies developing crops and marketing seeds may translate into fewer varieties offered.

Furthermore, emerging evidence indicates that Monsanto has hardly perfected the technology. A core argument for GM seeds in the 1990s claimed they would reduce chemical pesticide use because the plants themselves would repel pests and weeds. But studies have confirmed the spread of so-called superweeds that have developed a resistance to Monsantos gene, leading farmers to deploy even heavier doses of herbicides like Monsantos own product, Roundup. Another new report debunked the companys argument that GM seeds would have higher yields; in fact, two of Monsantos most popular genes caused yields to drop.

Despite the mounting evidence against their products, the biotech industry enjoys a cozy relationship with government regulators. In December, the Justice Department abruptly dropped their investigation into anti-competitive practices in the industry without so much as a press release. The stalled Farm Bill also contains generous provisions that would allow these companies to put their products on the market with cursory or no review by the USDA.

Todays oral argument is a study in these intertwined interests: the Obama administration is presenting their own defense of Monsanto, and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was once a Monsanto lawyer (but will not recuse himself from Bowmans case). Still, the same high court that enabled the current state of American agriculture in 1981 now finds itself in a position to check Monsantos power or help them tighten their hold on the industry.


Garden Master
Nov 10, 2008
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Had an in depth piece on PBS news last night. Could be very interesting outcome....


Garden Master
Mar 21, 2012
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Shall we take odds on it?

I'm thinking about 2 billion to one says the farmer loses. Maybe 13 billion to one. If, maybe a meteor lands on the supreme court and also the usual nominees, and maybe if somehow normal persons get into it, and maybe if all the lawyers for Monsanto got rabies and also the other minions who do the legal stuff for Monsanto, oh, and if maybe a bunch of hot shot lawyers suddenly decided not to be secretly bought out...

Ahhh, thinking about it, let me set the odds more like 27 billion to one.

Some things, well, a person can't expect to walk up to a tornado and flail their arms around to stop the tornado.

Only thing to do is see how long a counterbalance can be kept up. How long can we keep our heirloom seeds free and safe from the clutches of greed itself. Monsanto is not a person. Monsanto is an entity called greed and power. This poor ole guy, the soybean farmer: He's trying to stop a tornado with his flailing arms. A true martyr. I hope his efforts will be well remembered in the future, but alas, I fear the future holds Monsanto minions in high esteem and those who opposed it will be reviled.

Oh, how I wish I could secretly live to be a thousand. Watch the foolishness prevail. Humans. Don't we know how young we are at only 100? 50, 60, and 70, even 75 year old children trying to lead the world into the future.

Hats off to the 75 year old soybean farmer for standing up to the tornado!


Garden Master
Nov 16, 2011
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Southeast VA
I'll just keep quietly planting my little garden and saving my little seeds afterward.....

Is it possible to survive on nothing but eggs, veggies and the occasional old stewed chicken?

Smiles Jr.

Garden Addicted
Jan 18, 2010
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PlayStation Farm, Rural Indiana
canesisters said:
. . . Is it possible to survive on nothing but eggs, veggies and the occasional old stewed chicken?
Sure it is. Our forefathers did it for many, many generations. And, in my opinion, mankind was better off in those days in many ways than we are today.


Garden Master
Nov 16, 2011
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Southeast VA

April Manier

Deeply Rooted
Sep 6, 2010
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Eugene, Oregon
It is a sad ordeal.

Marshall, I unfortunately agree, but sometimes God spins things. Who knows. My prayers are with this man who has undoubtedly lost everything.


Garden Master
Mar 21, 2012
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As do I April, as do I. Pray for a miracle for this ole man, for the sake of humanity.

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