Garden Master
Good for you, Journey!
The smaller dahlias, like the pom pons, have smaller roots. Anyway, that's what it seems to me. Rusty will know better.
I grew pom pons from seed one year and had a little trouble keeping the roots thru the winter. The next winter, same story. By about the 3rd or 4th year, the pom pons were all gone . . . So, in my book, you did real good with your collarettes
The little border dahlias can also be saved thru the winter. But, there I had nearly 100% failure. Dahlias are in storage here for 6 months! It would take better conditions than what I've got for them.
who has all his dahlias planted in 46F soil . . . must be warmer today. 66F right now - warmest this year
The smaller dahlias, like the pom pons, have smaller roots. Anyway, that's what it seems to me. Rusty will know better.
I grew pom pons from seed one year and had a little trouble keeping the roots thru the winter. The next winter, same story. By about the 3rd or 4th year, the pom pons were all gone . . . So, in my book, you did real good with your collarettes
The little border dahlias can also be saved thru the winter. But, there I had nearly 100% failure. Dahlias are in storage here for 6 months! It would take better conditions than what I've got for them.
who has all his dahlias planted in 46F soil . . . must be warmer today. 66F right now - warmest this year