Garden Master
Ah-HA! Caught ya'll with all this tiny small stuff!
I like big steaks, so won't be getting any mini-cows! Hijacking a TEXAS thread to yak about miniature cows! 

Smarty-pants!Hee-hee 8 ACRES is a mini in Texas!
Yup! Texas sized trouble. Hiding under a chair won't help.Are we in trouble?
Nope, even acres are bigger in Texas!Hee-hee 8 ACRES is a mini in Texas!
Are they an heirloom breed? Endangered? Special in some way that puts them in demand?
Sam, can you post a picture of your cows? Believe it or not, I have never touched a cow in my life. But I find ranching and farming facinating.
The Limousin breed has been around for centuries in France although only about 50 yrs here...
We specialize in homozygous black, homozygous polled cattle (along with superior EPDs). Without some experience in genetics & EPDs, you probably wouldn't understand my full answer, so here is the 'cliff notes' version:
- Black cattle sell for more money than red cattle.
- Polled cattle (without horns) sell for more money than cattle with horns.
Thus, a homozygous black, homozygous polled bull that is bred to a red horned cow will result in a black polled calf. This, along with other superior genetics (such as weaning weights/yearling weights), translates into a higher profit margins for the acquiring rancher. My bulls also have an established record for siring 95+% bull calves, which is very good at slaughter time.
- Homozygous means that an animal always passes down a certain phenotypic trait & this is confirmed by a DNA test.
LOL!!! Would you like to see the picture sequence of one being born??? If so, I can start a new thread (I just need to know where to put it... Everything Else Garden???).
@w_r_ranch, ss Mary states, she is a city girl. Never smelled a horse, never touched a cow, probably never smelled a cow either. We do our best to educate her. She works wonders with her little part of the world though.Ok back to the thread. Sam, can you post a picture of your cows? Believe it or not, I have never touched a cow in my life. But I find ranching and farming facinating.