Both the Anna's and Rufus were swarming the feeder again at dusk, counted 9, tried to take a picture through the dining room window but it didn't turn out . Will try again tomorrow night providing it's not pouring.
they are such characters. fun to watch. i've found nests around here. so cute and tiny! can't imagine how they can lay an egg let alone several...
in the hot summers when i go out and water sometimes they will come and get drinks or take a shower and cool off in the spray. they will even follow the spray around as i go back and forth. very funny/cute and interesting. i don't think i've ever seen one drinking from the birdbaths, but perhaps they are very discreet about it...
we try to keep flowers going all summer long so they have plenty to eat.
Here, I'm still waiting for a robin to show up in the yard. Once again, I saw one about 200 yards away. Better be happy that they are in the neighborhood.
The quail have been back in all kinds of weather. I have tried repeatedly to count the quail again. My 2nd count of 7, down from 9, must be wrong. I counted either 8 or 9 running across the road. These are quite the stealth quail. Out in the distant garden, I almost never see them in the trees. Here at home, they are on power lines, in trees, on top of the house, and, most commonly, under cars.
After we had the hoop house up, some of the quail flock sat around on the fence and looked sad. If they venture in there thru the window or when the door is open I'll have to bring out the cat from the toy store.
Not having much luck, glare off the window messed them all up except this one. Most have gone beddy bye the last two Anna's stragglers. Maybe try again tomorrow night.
Actually it wasn't dark, just dusk. I'm just a point and shoot and hope to heck I get something not a great picture taker. It was probably just the flash and the angle I was holding the camera.