Garden Master
Narcissus and daffodils blooms signal spring to me.
@thistlebloom - are those snowdrops from this year? Do you finally have some?
Bay I didn't think Texas got cold enough for daffodils, can you grow tulips?Narcissus and daffodils blooms signal spring to me.
Yes, but I never do. Narcissus and daffodils just stay in the ground, tulips have to be dug up and cared for. I like stuff that doesn't lay claims to my time and effort. I guess I am blessed because I read how a lot of ya'll have to dig everything up for the winter. Here, plant it once, it blooms, dies back and comes back up the next year and the year after that and the year after that....... Great for a lazy gardener!
Dig everything up? Not me!
I have lots of spring blooming bulbs and rhizomes, tons of spring, summer and late summer blooming perennials, vines, and shrubs and they come back year after year.
This year I'll be planting some dahlias for the first time, and those will need to be dug in the fall. (I blame Rusty and Steve for that!) We'll see if I get them up before winter...I'm usually pretty burnt out by then and I'm ready to hibernate.