Deeply Rooted
Here it's back into the low single digits F with distinctly negative windchill, and 6-8" of well-drifted snow on the ground. Nothing gonna happen anytime soon. Well except that DS #1 and I are going to prick out lettuce seedlings into pots this afternoon... but they are not going into the ground, probably ever
OTOH we have been here enough years now that I can look back in our weather book (does anyone else log their weather along with their garden records?) and remind myself that it is always late April at the EARLIEST before I can possibly put anything at all in the ground, and that's still 6 wks before our last frost. No early crocuses til early April, even. So at least I know better than to get all excited by the last coupla weeks of warm-and-lots-of-exposed-grass
OTOH we have been here enough years now that I can look back in our weather book (does anyone else log their weather along with their garden records?) and remind myself that it is always late April at the EARLIEST before I can possibly put anything at all in the ground, and that's still 6 wks before our last frost. No early crocuses til early April, even. So at least I know better than to get all excited by the last coupla weeks of warm-and-lots-of-exposed-grass