Well, there, it can be done. Wish you knew what kind it was.Wow! That is some great information and extensive list of garlic, @Lavendar2. Thanks for the site.
Since my garlic came from the grocery store and I usually braid it, I must presume that I'm growing soft necks. I haven't had any problems with them in South-est, central-est Wisconsin. I do have some other garlic (from bulbils) growing. I would need to check up on the variety. They have been growing there for two years. I am planning to harvest them when they brown down, divide, and replant for a larger crop next spring.
Right now there aren't more than garlic 7-10 plants, all with rather small top growth. I expect the bulbs will still be pretty small.
No, I am not growing Compari, I think you need special conditions for them to taste the same as those commercially grown.Nice! Are you still growing Compari?
Oh, I absolutely will have a nibble or so from the one being used for seed.Jackb, can you not take the seeds out and still enjoy the tomato? Granted, I wait longer for the seed tomatoes to ripen (and then some) than I do for tomatoes I intend to eat, but I have done both with a few tomatoes having seeds I really wanted.