I agree Lesa! The family here is a mixed bag on winter weather, one son could live in snow year round, one loathes it. my husband enjoys it for a few months and I grow to like it after the first dismay of realizing summertime garden activities are over.
It could happen any day, and I am far from ready!
All your foliage is still so green Ridgeback, this must have sneaked up on you!
We knew it was coming a few days ago, but it has been a wonderful Indian Summer until now. The pumpkins and habaneros were still going strong producing new fruits right until the end.
We'll be back in the 70's soon and then it qill be time to get ready for next season.
Temps were in the low 30's last night. Snow expected this afternoon. 29 tonight. I harvested the last of the corn, brought in the hubbards, picked some herbs and even transplanted some pepper plants in to pots. Since it will be nice again by Sunday, I covered the tomatoes, zucchini, etc... with frost blankets, sheets, boxes and whatever else I could find. I am sure some will be a loss, but I should have enough strong survivors to get some more stuff in before the deep freeze hits.
The Weather Service promised us 39F and fog. After I scraped all the frost off the windows of the pickup this morning, I told DW about that promise -- "Where's the fog?!"
She said, "They must have changed their minds."
I told her, "They aren't allowed to do that! I'm a taxpayer so they work for me! They can't go changing their minds!"
My Perfection tomaatoooooes . . !
Aaannywaaaaay . . it was late, the first frost, at least . . .
I hear ya Steve. This snow was supposed to stay about 20 miles south of us. Going to watch the temperature closely to see if an emergancy harvest is in order.
On the bright side we had about an inch of rain before the snow. Thats more precipitation than we have had in the last two and a half months. Maybe we'll see a little green in the pasture before this happens again.
Where I live, that would cause all the schools to close and all the grocery stores to run out of milk and bread! LOL! We love snow here, because we only get one every few years. Last year, we got a quarter inch of accumulated sleet, does that count?