I Hate Green Briars!

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
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South-est, central-est Wisconsin
These trees -- knee high when we purchased the property -- are huge now.

They are also a tangled mess of dead and dying branches inside the green outer growth.
arborvitae mess inside.JPG

Spouse has worked for a week or more to clean out the lower, mostly dead branches and 'reclaim' about 12 feet of space. Lucky me, more space to fill.
arborvitae cleaned out.JPG

Thinking about blueberry and azalea bushes along the cleared space. Not likely that grass will grow in that shade, so at least it isn't more mowing but weeds will grow anywhere so something has to be done with it.
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Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
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SW Washington
We finally got back to that cedar tree and cleaned it all up. We made a burn pile and piled more briars on it. It wasn't windy this morning, so we burned it. Here's the tree. It looks so nice now!

View attachment 14299

Trip is eating his supper in the cooling shade of the trees. The cedar tree we just trimmed is on the left. Hard to believe that just over a year ago, you couldn't see between these trees-we had to hack our way through the brush and briars to get to the property line so we could get the fence put up.

View attachment 14300
Bay, the clearing of the overgrown woodlot on your Plantation is taking shape and a credit to your ambitious endeavers. However ,You as the Lady of the Plantation , should have a good talking to to the help for leaving limb stubs on the cedar tree as unacceplable and unpleasing to the Lady's eye not to mention that the limb stubs would be a hazzard to dislodge M'Lady's bonnet . What will the Northerners think of such an undignified sight of a Damsel in distress afterall ?

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
Unhand bay, bobm! I'm sure that she, like me, has every intention of removing the stubs on the trees at a slightly later date. First things first. There are far more important things that need doing on bay's new property without spending valuable time right now with a small saw.

I have the scratches on my arm and elbow to attest to the danger of those stubby nubs. And I'll have you know the branches I removed were done properly. Spouse's? . . not so much.


Garden Addicted
Mar 11, 2015
Reaction score
Northern East Texas - Zone 8a
These trees -- knee high when we purchased the property -- are huge now.
View attachment 14328
They are also a tangled mess of dead and dying branches inside the green outer growth.
View attachment 14327
Spouse has worked for a week or more to clean out the lower, mostly dead branches and 'reclaim' about 12 feet of space. Lucky me, more space to fill.
View attachment 14326
Thinking about blueberry and azalea bushes along the cleared space. Not likely that grass will grow in that shade, so at least it isn't more mowing but weeds will grow anywhere so something has to be done with it.
WOW Red! That looks amazing! Your DH had to have worked really hard to get those trees cut back & cleared out.

It's just too blamed HOT here to do that kind of work! Today we had a heat index around 108°. :th


Garden Addicted
Mar 11, 2015
Reaction score
Northern East Texas - Zone 8a
Bay, the clearing of the overgrown woodlot on your Plantation is taking shape and a credit to your ambitious endeavers. However ,You as the Lady of the Plantation , should have a good talking to to the help for leaving limb stubs on the cedar tree as unacceplable and unpleasing to the Lady's eye not to mention that the limb stubs would be a hazzard to dislodge M'Lady's bonnet . What will the Northerners think of such an undignified sight of a Damsel in distress afterall ?
:lol: :yuckyuck :lol:
How-some-ever, I must agree with Red! I personally happen to know that Bay's DH used to run a landscaping business. So, he does know how to clean up branch stubs. :gig I also have every confidence that the stubs will get cleaned up. BUT, Bay & DH have moved to the other side of the property, clearing the pipeline bramble. AND, in the Texas heat they have a short day, since it is just too hot, after about 11 AM, to do any work outside. So, stubs may have to wait for another YEAR or so, when all the hard work is done. :old

Btw, the Lady of this Southern Plantation makes a right smart pitcher of Sweet Tea, for sipping under the shade tree. However I have only ever seen her in blue jeans, & tennies. Never seen a sun bonnet & frilly dresses on THIS Lady, who would be hard pressed to be called a "Damsel in Distress". She is WAY too self sufficient! And I say that with the utmost of respect & admiration.

Unhand her indeed! This lady is my role model! :bow :lol:
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Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
@bobm :gig My husband had to crouch under the cedar and just saw the best he could. The cedar rained tree trash down on him, he couldn't look up or he would have gotten stuff in his face that he didn't want. He fully intends to go trim it up properly now that he can see what he is doing. And there is an equally large cedar in that same area that needs the same trimming done to it. As far as this damsel is concerned, the green briars hanging off every tree are more distressing, but the sheep sure like them. :lol:

@Smart Red your trees look fantastic. I can attest to the hard work that went into cleaning up those trees. I like your azalea idea. Mulch them heavy and maybe it will help hold down the weeds.

@Devonviolet those stubs won't take a year to get cut off.....DH was trimming small branches off the trees up by the road this morning. He is determined to make that pasture look beautiful. I am determined to get some grass growing in all that newly clearly space. I was outside this morning at 7:45 machete chopping green briars off trees so he can get to them to trim them. And you are right about the heat....we quit by anywhere from 11:00 to 1:00 and go in. We worked in that pasture this morning before going to the property line by the pipeline and clearing out more in preparation for running the fence.

Pictures coming up.....


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
This was our burn pile yesterday... DH loves to play in the burn pile. :lol: That's the cedar branches plus LOTS of green briars.


This morning I went out before DH got woke up good, I am a morning person, he'd rather skip mornings. LOL He called me and I told him bring water and the Kawasaki Mule. He did and we loaded up more briars in the back of it. Our neighbor, Robert, came over and we cut down a dead cedar and a dead standing tree, both of which had been covered by green briars.

IMG_0938 (1).JPG

Then my husband and Robert chained the cedar to the Mule and DH dragged it out. It ripped a lot of briars out with it. The other dead tree fell right over.


Robert asked if we wanted to drag it out of the pasture and we said no, let the sheep eat those briars off. My husband opened the gate to the night pen and I called the sheep. They fell on the briars like they were starving and picked it clean.


We unloaded the briars off the back of the Mule and started another burn pile. Then we loaded up tools and went to the other property line. Robert brought Marigold and we worked on preparation for the fence. We have to wear long sleeved shirts and they are soaked in sweat in no time. We quit today after 12:00. Then I picked 30 yellow squash from the garden. I called a neighbor and we took them 10 of them, we found wild plums growing in a fence row and picked them. While I put up squash, I cooked the plums and got almost a quart of juice. I'll make jelly tomorrow.


Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
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San Francisco East Bay
Smart Red, those trees look very nice all trimmed up. But I also like the first picture, where they had green branches all the way to the bottom.


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