I have gone crazy


Garden Ornament
Feb 6, 2009
Reaction score
Houston(ish) Zone 9
smom1976 said:
would you believe....

We went fishing out to pensacola beach just the other day..(between postings) and on the way home I saw this sign..

you know when they are building a large builidng they put up a sign with a sketch of the building and says comming soon...

one of those was up for a farmers market down town..

:th unbelievable...
I have been visiting "Farmers Markets" in my area. At first I was real disappointed. They had almost nothing to do with the farmer. Most did not even speak my language and all around these "farmers markets" are produce wholesale outlets. So that means that the guys at those fake farmers markest are at least the third owner of the produce. You have the actual farmer (1) and then the wholesale outlet (2), and now the vendor (3) at the "farmers markets". A lot of the produce boxes have "Product of Mexico" on them. Dissapointing.

I did find one online though that seems a bit more promising. I plan to visit it on Wednesday. They are a non profit. You pay them a yearly vendor fee. It is not absolutely required that you go "organic" but they promote that. They want to come out to your farm and take a look around and see what your practices are. They want to know a whole host of things but I think I can do it. I am gonna visit it first and talk to the other vendors before I make further inquiries.


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Fuquay, NC
Our little town has a small farmers market on Wednesdays from 3-6pm and Saturdays from 9am-5pm. Its small in a parking lot in old downtown next to the police station and a flower shop.... but its just that. A bunch of small time backyard gardeners and the local farmers who bring left overs.

There are a few people who bring up yardsale items... but they rent the space to use, so I guess whatever. I just go up during the summer to get some extra corn and potaotes when I can.

Maybe in a couple years I'll be up there with my extra apples!!! :)


Deeply Rooted
Feb 9, 2009
Reaction score
Rochester NH
An old friend of mine used to load her truck up with produce and drive it to the head of her drive way and sell out of her truck a couple of days a week...some time she would use the honor system if she had other things to do...she'd leave a box for the money and no one ever stole from her...course we are in smallville USA...
Our farmers market is in a parking lot on the main street of town every thursday and friday all summer from 3 - 6...some sell perenial plants and most sell veggies and fruit of some kind what ever is in season... one sells jams jellies and homemade breads and the like...
we have a few small farms in the area that sell to the local grocery store where I look for their produce all season long if I dont grow it I want to know who did...and we have pick your own farms in the area too...strawberries, bluberries, raspberries, apricots, apples, peaches, plums...


Garden Addicted
Jul 17, 2008
Reaction score
Zone 6A - Southeast Indiana
Our local farmers markets are pretty paltry, which is funny, given that I live in an area with a lot of small farmers. However, I discovered a WONDERFUL orchard up the road from us that also sells a bunch of different produce throughout the year. It's run by a retired couple (the Salatin's, interestingly enough), who I LOVE talking to when I go in. I think that's part of the why I like going there some much. That, and the fact that they have more varieties of apples than I ever knew existed. :)

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