I just joined here myself, and I've already learned so much!
As for your photo, that would be a passion flower (Passiflora sp.). Depending on where you live, they can get quite invasive. I have friends who grow them here (zone 8) and really have to keep up with them so they don't get out of control. I also have a friend near Raleigh, NC (zone 7... I think?) who has them on her back fence but doesn't have problems with control at all.
So, depending on where you live - either stay on top of it so it doesn't get out of control, or just let it do its thing. I'm not sure which variety you have, there are several. Passiflora incarnata is native to most of the southeast.
I haven't been brave enough to try one in my yard. Our dirt is like gold - we have some pretty good success with plants, and I'm afraid I'd wake up smothered by a passion flower vine one morning.
Very rude of me not to have welcomed you first! TEG is a great place to get info on gardening. So sorry to give you bad news on your 1st post but your passion flower is wonderful. I would love to be able to grow it, I only have the very common blue & creamy white one. It will set fruit later in the year but I don't know if yours will be an edible one. Good Luck with it.
I collect clematis here in the UK. At the moment I have 5 of them in flower. However my passion flower will not be in flower until later in the summer.
If you Google Passion Flower or Passiflora you should be able to identify which variety you have! :happy_flower