Garden Master
i know your problem with you eye and i certainly feel that same pain this week. one of my 3 month old pullets thought the corner of my eye was pretty and took a peck at it on Monday night. i ended up with a corneal abrasion on 50% of my eye, pain for a few days and blurryness that made me dread driving the 10-15 minutes to work and back. not to mention that the local pharmacy didn't have the eye ointment i needed nor called a competitor to see if they had it before sending me a couple cities over to get it! :/ lucky i have family across town that could drive me. and today the blurry eye has mostly cleared up. i have a followup appointment tomorrow to see how far it has healed.
btw, i gave Olivia the pullet a stern talking to and now she seems to avoid me.
btw, i gave Olivia the pullet a stern talking to and now she seems to avoid me.