I love David Attenborough


Deeply Rooted
Jan 11, 2021
Reaction score
S. Central Alaska
We are and I agree with all the accolades offered to this Gentleman! I keep bees and have never known about this; Thanks for sharing this @catjac1975 !
I must reiterate that I am not a “bunny hugger” even though I raise them too but I do have strong feelings about the complete disregard shown to honey bees these days. You’ve seen my “quit spraying your yard” rants previously so I won’t bore you with that again and I doubt (hope) many of you are not the culprits.
Years ago, living in the Dakotas we kept between 20/30 hives on the place and I use to jokingly tell people “I’d rather sit in a lawn chair and watch my bees than anything you’ll find on TV.”
All of Gods creatures are mind boggling in their own right and Bees are no exception. Hopefully someday they will be better understood.

Now I wonder what effect all these electroculture antenna might be having on the whole process?
🧐something else to ponder!


Garden Addicted
Jun 9, 2018
Reaction score
Vermont, USA (zone 4)
You’ve seen my “quit spraying your yard” rants previously so I won’t bore you with that again and I doubt (hope) many of you are not the culprits.
You're preaching to the choir here I think. When I get depressed about the damage we're inflicting on all non-human life, I find the best therapy is to walk around my own little 2+ acre sanctuary and watch the pollinators at work on my plants, both wild and deliberately planted.


Garden Master
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
Mattapoisett, Massachusetts
We are and I agree with all the accolades offered to this Gentleman! I keep bees and have never known about this; Thanks for sharing this @catjac1975 !
I must reiterate that I am not a “bunny hugger” even though I raise them too but I do have strong feelings about the complete disregard shown to honey bees these days. You’ve seen my “quit spraying your yard” rants previously so I won’t bore you with that again and I doubt (hope) many of you are not the culprits.
Years ago, living in the Dakotas we kept between 20/30 hives on the place and I use to jokingly tell people “I’d rather sit in a lawn chair and watch my bees than anything you’ll find on TV.”
All of Gods creatures are mind boggling in their own right and Bees are no exception. Hopefully someday they will be better understood.

Now I wonder what effect all these electroculture antenna might be having on the whole process?
🧐something else to ponder!
I absolutely thought of your project when I listened to this.


Garden Addicted
Jan 17, 2021
Reaction score
Northern Ontario, Canada
I think this video must have been going viral in the last while, because it came across my path recently too. It certainly made me think of electroculture and how it might be related. It isn't very often you see people discussing magnetism, electrical principles & plants.

I'm not a sprayer @Alasgun, though I do wish I had a gorgeous swathe of perfect grass for a yard, lol. Our next door neighbours on both sides are avid sprayers though (and have perfect magazine grass) . We do have a ban here on most sprays, glyphosate, diazanon etc. and generally when lawn workers come around they use something 'government approved' for application. They don't even wear protective clothes to apply it. When they were here in May though I noticed some bees flew over here from those sprayed areas and landed on my daughter and I while we are standing outside. It was odd. Having a special needs dog I dispatch these critters in my yard when I can as they're quite dangerous to him, but I realized as I did so for both my daughter and I, I could see they were dying anyway. So, clearly these approved sprays still kill them. What a racket.


Garden Master
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
Mattapoisett, Massachusetts
I think this video must have been going viral in the last while, because it came across my path recently too. It certainly made me think of electroculture and how it might be related. It isn't very often you see people discussing magnetism, electrical principles & plants.

I'm not a sprayer @Alasgun, though I do wish I had a gorgeous swathe of perfect grass for a yard, lol. Our next door neighbours on both sides are avid sprayers though (and have perfect magazine grass) . We do have a ban here on most sprays, glyphosate, diazanon etc. and generally when lawn workers come around they use something 'government approved' for application. They don't even wear protective clothes to apply it. When they were here in May though I noticed some bees flew over here from those sprayed areas and landed on my daughter and I while we are standing outside. It was odd. Having a special needs dog I dispatch these critters in my yard when I can as they're quite dangerous to him, but I realized as I did so for both my daughter and I, I could see they were dying anyway. So, clearly these approved sprays still kill them. What a racket.
It the days of DDT farm workers worn no protective clothing either, and died young in droves. Big business is allowed to flourish claiming safety, and it is up to you to prove harm against their team of lawyers.. It took 50 or more years to prove cigarettes cause cancer, low birth weight in babies and the rest. Same with glysophate. Same with asbestos. In fact I remember in a recent speech a prominent politician slipped in at the end of a speech, "and there is no real proof the asbestos causes cancer."