I Need 12 Step Program


Chillin' In The Garden
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
My DH & I will have to join you at the meetings. I started too many plants earlier this year but we found places for them. Then vines started growing out of my homemade compost every place I put it but that's ok. We think they might be butternut or spaghetti squash so we're keeping them (gotta make sure, ya know). Then a neighboring historical farm sent out a notice their flower gardens are getting too crowded. Instead of pulling the plants up and putting them in the compost pile, they were going to give them away; all we had to do was dig them up! How could we pass that up? We didn't have a place to plant the new free plants but we had pots. We just needed dirt to put in the pots so we stopped off at Home Depot. Wouldn't you know it, they had the most beautiful Asian (?) lilies there. I've never seen a lily with a bloom that big. Of course, with the back of my truck full of plants, I still had to have a pot of those lilies. We have pots of flowers every where around here. Oh, did I mention some of my Black Eyed Susans weren't doing good in one of my flowerbeds so I dug them up and put them in pots as well? They're loving their new "homes" this year. DH is worse than I am. He'll even cultivate what I call weeds-plants that come up where you don't want them too. We've got honeysuckle, trumpet vines, morning glories and passion flowers growing in places I don't want them but DH doesn't want me to pull them up. We even have some sort of plant with fuzzy flowers. We have no idea what it is but since the flowers are unique, it stays.

I think DH & I need an intervention but on the bright side, I'm getting 2 new flowerbeds next year! :ya :lol:


Deeply Rooted
Aug 2, 2011
Reaction score
Zone 9a
I feel like I am in good company here. I guess there are worse things a person could be addicted to. I started out with 4 heirloom varieties of tomato this year, couple of pumpkins... oh, ok, maybe some squash, what the heck.... ooooh, lookit those pretty Tigger melons, I want some of those, and they're non-GMO to boot... and hey, how about those heirloom tomatillos over there? Those look good & I make a lot of chile verde so they'll come in handy.... 1 plant should do it... it looks lonely, I'll pick up 2 more... oh, look at THOSE tomatoes, I wanna grow some of those, too, never had those before... oooh, lookit the good deal on the non-GMO assorted culinary herb and spice seed pack, I'll order one...

And yes, my DH is an enabler, as well. He's not all into the planning and planting part of it, which I thoroughly enjoy, but he does enjoy doing the digging and shoveling and rototilling for me and takes me to buy stuff. Carries 50-pound bags of organic garden soil from the car to the yard. Also enjoys helping with the maintenance from time to time, will do a little weeding if it gets out of hand & I ask for his help, sharpens the shovels periodically, etc. And he helps pick/harvest and will water on days that I have to work. But the garden is more my interest than his.

He has a greater interest in raising the poultry in the yard. I enjoy that, too, but that's kinda more his focus in the way the garden is kinda more my focus... but I would go nuts without either the poultry OR the garden! Life is pretty good right now.

ETA: Wow, I just re-read that last paragraph & it totally sounds like I am justifying my out-of-hand garden addiction. Maybe I *do* need a 12-step group! LOL!


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Fuquay, NC
I wished they put the fruit trees on clearance at Food Lion this year like they did past years... but no luck. One day they were there, the next they were just gone! UGH! :rolleyes:


Garden Master
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
Mattapoisett, Massachusetts
Whenever my husband complains about me buying plants I tell him this. I don't drink, don't smoke, don't take drugs, and I don't fool around with other men.How perfect do you want me to be????
grow_my_own said:
I feel like I am in good company here. I guess there are worse things a person could be addicted to. I started out with 4 heirloom varieties of tomato this year, couple of pumpkins... oh, ok, maybe some squash, what the heck.... ooooh, lookit those pretty Tigger melons, I want some of those, and they're non-GMO to boot... and hey, how about those heirloom tomatillos over there? Those look good & I make a lot of chile verde so they'll come in handy.... 1 plant should do it... it looks lonely, I'll pick up 2 more... oh, look at THOSE tomatoes, I wanna grow some of those, too, never had those before... oooh, lookit the good deal on the non-GMO assorted culinary herb and spice seed pack, I'll order one...

And yes, my DH is an enabler, as well. He's not all into the planning and planting part of it, which I thoroughly enjoy, but he does enjoy doing the digging and shoveling and rototilling for me and takes me to buy stuff. Carries 50-pound bags of organic garden soil from the car to the yard. Also enjoys helping with the maintenance from time to time, will do a little weeding if it gets out of hand & I ask for his help, sharpens the shovels periodically, etc. And he helps pick/harvest and will water on days that I have to work. But the garden is more my interest than his.

He has a greater interest in raising the poultry in the yard. I enjoy that, too, but that's kinda more his focus in the way the garden is kinda more my focus... but I would go nuts without either the poultry OR the garden! Life is pretty good right now.

ETA: Wow, I just re-read that last paragraph & it totally sounds like I am justifying my out-of-hand garden addiction. Maybe I *do* need a 12-step group! LOL!


Garden Master
Oct 2, 2010
Reaction score
White Plains NY,weekends Lagrange NY.
vfem said:
I wished they put the fruit trees on clearance at Food Lion this year like they did past years... but no luck. One day they were there, the next they were just gone! UGH! :rolleyes:
Do you have a Lowes near you, thats where I got the trees.

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