Marshallsmyth, since I am not good at nagging (unless you ask DH) I thought I would copy and repost all the nagging suggestions from past years to this annual nag fest.
Couldn't find anything for January through March to post.
I have a suggestion. Pretend I berated your procrastination. Then get one something done before you turn to your computer for a break. I guar-an-double tee you I would be working outside if my weather were as balmy as yours. As it is, my garden is sleeping under a blanket of snow. It is not calling to me although I keep listening for the first whisper.
I got about half of the whole garden done cleaning it out. I should be able to just about be done doing that tomorrow.
While doing that I doubled the height and halved the number of climbers for the Peas, and then stacked them on the bonus bed.
I took some before and after photos, but now my other ...very buggy... laptop on windows that I downloaded the windows photo gallery to, will not open that photo gallery... pooey! I click it and nothing, just like the program is all vaporized except for the icon. Took some photos of the so called lake too. Looks like Mars out there! Took a photo of my '57 Lark too on it's Pelican trailer all tarped up but the nose of the bow. It needs cleaning too!
Someone I saw this morning asked what I meant by firing my soil.
I intend to borrow a propane weed burner and use it on the soil surface to kill any bad bugs. That'll include after cultivating the surface too. There was a nearby Madrone that had lots of spider mites on it! I want to go proactive on controlling that. That Madrone has been turned to firewood and is now mostly ashes. Slow catching, hot burning wood! Manzanita is hottest, but comes in smaller pieces.
I'm kind of tired brained right now for long range lists, but for now it is cleanup.
Finish cleaning the beds. Backside addition, and the north berry bed. I should finish that by tomorrow at this time.
Then clean off the top netting. That will involve making the changes I plan to raise the sides of it and remove the top framing except front and back. Added bonus of that will be poles to side up some more beds. This part may take a week, maybe less.