Yeah, I KNOW--DD's bought the first one and DH and they are anxious to watch it, especially since the sequel is not out. Guy gets revenge on his dead dog. I'm afraid it might be too much hack and slash for ME, but they are many fans.
And just last night I was practically giddy to find The King & I and The African Queen running back to back..
Over the past few years, I have somehow lost my appreciation for films that make be flinch.
To each his own. My brother in law can't STAND a musical and rates movies by how many explosions there are.
I've lost all taste for movies as well. If I can't watch one without thinking "Well...if only it didn't have THAT(cursing, sex, violence, perversion, lawlessness, godlessness, blasphemy, etc.) in it, it would be half way decent." No point in even going there any longer.
Just like Thistle said...if I feel dirty from watching it or wish I hadn't spent that valuable time out of my life to watch it, it doesn't interest me.
I'm so glad to see the posts in this thread. We don't go to ANY movies since the smut-mongers have taken over. The trash on the silver screen is appalling.
Well, I can't get much from a musical and the theaters were only just bringing in captioning the last time I was there (and, didn't ask it). Can you imagine looking up at the big screen then looking down to read the captioning, again-&-again-again-&-again-again-&-again-again-&-again ..?
I thoroughly dislike "entertainment" violence unless it is somehow a peripheral part of the story. In other words, the story is about something else but, for example, a war is going on. Revenge movies leave me questioning my own morality ..! Bad language doesn't bother me - could be that missing the verbal part of it is half the "problem?"
Yesterday, I asked DW if she'd like to see "The Wizard of Oz." It's been years & years since I saw that movie. I only have to leave the room during the flying monkey scenes ...