Imagine the original author of that being transported to a modern party, set down in the middle of a flash mob or a crashed pool party. Oh, the horrors!
I once had a 12-tome collection of Proper Behavior for Young Gentleman that was a hoot. Wish I had kept it. We are certainly living in a different world ... some for the worse, some for the better.
That would depend upon what one calls success wouldn't it. There are successful, off-grid individuals who wouldn't want any part of the info in that book, yet consider themselves a success.
My Maverick LOVES to wear suits. He started a "dress-up/dress-down day at school so he could wear one. He was the only eighth grader to wear a 3-piece suit to the faux job interviews at school this year.
Of course, my grandsons all look fabulous in suits. Oh, yes, the suit came via GoodWill's $.30 day. $.30 for the jacket, $.30 for the trousers, and $.30 for the vest. The tie was another 30 cents. That was my lucky day, since we were suit shopping and didn't know about the special until we got to the register. A GoodWill $40 suit for 90 cents. Score!
Reminds me of the Einstein/Marilyn Monroe story*. It would seem Einstein wasn't too impressed with the discussion:
Albert Einstein and Marilyn Monroe were seated together at a table."Hey Albert," said Marilyn. "Imagine if we had a baby and it had my looks and your brains -- it could do anything it wanted.""Yes, my dear," replied Einstein. "But what if it had my looks and your brains?"
*Several sites state this is falsely attributed to Einstein and Monroe, but it made for good gossip in the day.