Marshall , I am glad that you are still alive and kicking ... so it is about time that you go out and find your BIG FOOT KID buddies and guide them out of the fires that are all around them.
<div style=width:100px;height:70px;border:5px #000;"> I've been trying to learn html. Seems I'm physically capable of doing that much. I just missed seeing Governor Brown today. Couldn't get parking, but I heard him on the radio talking about the fire, and shifting funds around to help the displaced persons immediately.
I actually dfon't have foot drop...but i have bad tyops, er, typos. when I was in hospital, i became absolutely dertermined to walk, and the arise and ye shall walk physical therapist Lyndsey was right with me on that. Once i graduated from walker, then cane..........oh! Cane sister! Got a new CANE name for your chickens! PT-CANE...once i graduated from that one, I wanted to walk like all the city doctors, not just like the ole country bumpkin walking i always did, so i worked on the city walking style, toes forward, foot oozing down quiet and cool like.
I found that at my age, I was expected to be 6 months at best before walking. I did it in weeks. But another thing is, half of us my age, 62 now, decline, about half plateau improving, and some few like Andy Griffith improve alot
Marshall~I've been reading of this syndrome and of what you must have gone through and are left to deal with today~ God love and bless you for fighting this battle~ determined against such odds```