Garden Addicted
Seriously, I just got over being sick. Was doing GREAT! Got a lot in the garden done, spent time with the DD and hubby's schedule was going to free up soon... so I made plans.
Will things work out for me... NO! I woke up Wednesday startled and shot up out of bed. I heard a loud pop in my chest, and it felt like glass shooting through the right side of my rib cage. It hurt so badly, I felt it in my back as well. Then my right arm went numb. At first I panicked. I thought it was my heart and was about to goto the ER. Read it would be my left arm if it was my heart, so just to be safe, I went to the Urgent Care. I figured they'd send me to the hospital if it was worse then I thought.
Turned out I had a massive mucsle spasm in my chest, like a charlie horse, and it wrapped the muscles around my chest all the way to my back and over my shoulder. My shoulder muscle is pinching a nerve connected to my right arm so my arm keeps going numb.
I'm now on muscle relaxers and I'm totally useless and out of commission for at least a week!
I need a break from me being broken!
Seriously, I just got over being sick. Was doing GREAT! Got a lot in the garden done, spent time with the DD and hubby's schedule was going to free up soon... so I made plans.
Will things work out for me... NO! I woke up Wednesday startled and shot up out of bed. I heard a loud pop in my chest, and it felt like glass shooting through the right side of my rib cage. It hurt so badly, I felt it in my back as well. Then my right arm went numb. At first I panicked. I thought it was my heart and was about to goto the ER. Read it would be my left arm if it was my heart, so just to be safe, I went to the Urgent Care. I figured they'd send me to the hospital if it was worse then I thought.
Turned out I had a massive mucsle spasm in my chest, like a charlie horse, and it wrapped the muscles around my chest all the way to my back and over my shoulder. My shoulder muscle is pinching a nerve connected to my right arm so my arm keeps going numb.
I'm now on muscle relaxers and I'm totally useless and out of commission for at least a week!

I need a break from me being broken!