Garden Master
Would those be onion, tomato, eggplant or cabbage brownies?Those cookie boxes make me hungry. Are you sure those are seed starts in soil, or are you just disguising brownies?

Would those be onion, tomato, eggplant or cabbage brownies?Those cookie boxes make me hungry. Are you sure those are seed starts in soil, or are you just disguising brownies?
Well, I don't know about zones but we could use the rule of thumb that tomatoes and peppers shouldn't go out until the overnight temperatures stay above 45°f. I checked back the last 3 years:
2013, June 15th
2012, June 20th
2011, June 26th
Some experts advise 50° so I could run right into July!
You see why I have stunted peppers every single year, Red? I don't feel I can wait that late to set the warm-season plants out. This is also why I am in various states of panic at the end of May/early June after I have set them out (usually tomatoes, first) that I have to protect them from actual frost.