Deeply Rooted
Looking good Steve.
I'll be out in my greenhouse today. We've got some sunshine and I'm going to enjoy it.

No lettuce planted yet. Maybe some transplants could go under plastic but I don't usually do that. Lettuce transplants are handy, tho', right thru the growing season.
GWR, it looks like the roof may overhang your windows. My South Window is in a gable wall so the overhang is way above it.
I can put 4 boxes on the window sill and 4 on the table. Those will get a long period of sunshine. The next row will get quite a lot less sun. The seedlings just starting out can stay there a couple of days. Then, they had better move forward into better light.
The weather service has just changed our forecast. Only 2 more days of sunshine. Shoot.
Could you now use a different mix, and start a few more of your varieties of seeds? If it is the seed starting mix, a fresh planting may thrive and overtake the ones that are stunted. My germination has been really good, but the plants don't seem to be growing very fast. Right now I am blaming it on having left the lights on 24/7.I'm having weird issues with my starts this year. Bad germination on about 1/2 of my varieties, plants just fizzling out, and plants unable to shed their seed coat. I know I'm not under or over watering. I made my own seed starting mix this year which is equal parts perlite, vermiculite, and spaghnum peat moss. That's the only thing I can think of that would be the issue? I did have one flat almost get fried to a crisp because of the heat mat but the flats on the other mats are doing the same thing. I'm getting kind of frustrated!