So Eli Whitney has received the credit all this time erroneously?
I read an excerpt from the book , Mothers and Daughters of Invention
and it seems like quite the studied controversy.
Well there are 2 stories that are unconfirmed. The first story that I read about was that it was invented by a woman but she could not get a patent because of her gender. I have also read one of his slaves came up with the idea and Whitney patented it. Through out time women have had to have men fulfill their ideas because of inequality. Things of course are much better now but their is still gross pay inequality. I always say my sister and a few of my nurse friends would probably have been doctors had times been different for them. Not that we don't need great nurses burt the pay disparity is obvious. She is 65 and her 2 choices for college were teacher and nurse as presented by her guidance counselor. When my daughter had her first child I was pleased to see she was surrounded by young women doctors.
Can you imagine that not all that long ago women could not own property? A woman had to get married to inherit her father's property. And of course it became his.
My MIL and FIL had a clown child with big eyes above their recliners in their double wide. I have a pic of it, but its hard copy prints, not on a computer.
So, everyone who couldn't make the grade as teacher or nurse had secretary as their choice? Other obvious choices were hairdresser or sales, But since the main goal was to marry well, nurses and secretaries had the advantage.
My mother-in-law told my sister-in-law (senior in high school) that she needed to go to secretarial school, she couldn't cut anything else. My MIL had a bachelors degree in abnormal psychology and taught Spanish for a while. FIL was an engineer. This was in the very early 70's.
My SIL got her bachelors in textile science and masters in library science. She had a good career as a corporate librarian, helping research and development scientists develop new products for a major corporation. You might be surprised how much science, especially chemistry, goes into a textile science degree. She set herself up well with her education and enjoyed what she did.
A fun part of the story is that FIL, MIL, and many of their siblings went to a certain university. SIL went to a hated rival to get her textile science degree. Most of them eventually forgave her after she landed a real good job.
I have always wondered how my mom would have done if she had been allowed to go to high school. She loved math, English, everything about school. She got her GED at age 40. She was so shy, she would have had a difficult time in a corporate situation, but she had the brains.