I love it it looks WONDERFUL Your DH is A ReAL Keeper... Wonderful way to repurpose what someone else was trashing.. Someones Trash is Another Ones Treasure row I like the bike and basket Idea that is very cleaver :coolsun
bamagirl68, Nice photos, I like sunflowers also,
Using them for the logo of our greenhouse.
Are those an Italian type or Red Velvet? Unfortunely my sunflowers were attacked by some type of bore or cut worm I lost 1/2 of them just before they bloomed. un
But those that made it bloomed nicely.
Next year I plan to have a bigger bed of them. along with some marigolds for the under plantings.
Thanks! I am pretty sure the pack said Autumn Joy sunflowers on the bronze ones. They are in several different shades also. Got them at Walmart(of course!)