Aug 2, 2020 Thread starter #11 L liscal1 Sprout Joined Aug 1, 2020 Messages 3 Reaction score 7 Points 3 Wow, what a nice warm welcome! Thanks everyone! Not sure how often I'll post but maybe more as I get used to the site
Wow, what a nice warm welcome! Thanks everyone! Not sure how often I'll post but maybe more as I get used to the site
Aug 2, 2020 #12 Rhodie Ranch Garden Master Joined Nov 19, 2009 Messages 3,646 Reaction score 6,203 Points 333 Location Southern Washington State, 8b Welcome from So. Oregon. I moved up here from San Jose, to escape taxes and look for cheaper water rates.
Welcome from So. Oregon. I moved up here from San Jose, to escape taxes and look for cheaper water rates.
Aug 2, 2020 #13 valley ranch Garden Master Joined Dec 22, 2014 Messages 5,742 Reaction score 5,734 Points 367 Location Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert Hi Liz, Santa Rosa ~ that's not far ~ I'm in a valley up east of you not far from Lake Tahoe lots of the time ~ Welcome to you ``` Richard
Hi Liz, Santa Rosa ~ that's not far ~ I'm in a valley up east of you not far from Lake Tahoe lots of the time ~ Welcome to you ``` Richard
Aug 2, 2020 #14 Cosmo spring garden Garden Addicted Joined Aug 9, 2019 Messages 1,066 Reaction score 3,207 Points 247 Location Zone 7B Northeast Alabama/sand mountain Welcome!
Aug 2, 2020 #15 valley ranch Garden Master Joined Dec 22, 2014 Messages 5,742 Reaction score 5,734 Points 367 Location Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert Hi Cosmo ~ welcome to you as well ```