Garden Master
I agree!!!! I LOVE this time of year. The skies are so dramatic and beautiful to watch, ever changing and wild. The wind scours the land, cleaning the trees of any deadwood left over after winter....leaves a big chore, but also gives us kindling wood to store for next year's winter.
I too have several pieces of clothing on rotation right now...long sleeves, short sleeves, boots and shoes. It's always hilarious at this time of year.
I'll take this rather than stinkin' hot, humid weather any old day.
It's a little sloppy out there from all the rain and snow and folks are griping, but the same folks who complain about all of that will also be complaining when they don't get enough rain this summer, so I just ignore all that. Spring is here!!!! 
I too have several pieces of clothing on rotation right now...long sleeves, short sleeves, boots and shoes. It's always hilarious at this time of year.