We raised Brittney Spaniels as a kid. One shot they were good for life on some things. Now, oh no, it only lasts a year. Gave our dog 3 year rabies shot. Went back, got booster. Girls didn't look. He's so cheap-compared to other vets-didn't complain.
Maybe but he gets kennel shot-even though he will never spend a day in one. Distemper shot even though he is never around other dogs except for daughters dog.
Well, the vet said continue what we are doing, and gave a sample of an oatmeal shampoo she said to go ahead and use. And a sample of Nexgard, which she said go ahead and use, too. I'm a little conflicted with that. I thought the spot on flea killer gets into the skin and bloodstream. Wouldn't using another kind this soon be overdosing? Even if it is washed off the surface of the skin?
No worms, surprise surprise! Guess those chicken nuggets aren't as lethal as I feared.
I think I'll hold off a bit on that.
I use DE in the chicken house off and on, more for mites and flies than any thing else. I didn't think it was a wormer.