Detlor Poultry
Attractive To Bees
I found one of my my old journals today! Apparently, I enjoyed Summer Camp, er, that's the impression I get from my writing style in the journal. However, I detected strong notes of vague contempt for certain aspects of the cold world of camp. For example, Nobody seemed to have, care, or even know about chickens, ducks, coturnix (apparently I got in trouble for saying Coturnix at camp), ringnecks, bronzebacks, geese, or any form of livestock! I still can't believe it! And nobody knew about factory farming, or concentration gardening, and nobody seemed to even know that veggies grow in rows! I mean seriously! And the gosh-aweful thing that weirdo did to my chocolate bar! I tore that part out of my journal and burnt it. I was happy for the 27 years that have passed in which I forgot about that incident... Hopefully I'm not scarred for life. I can't believe I finished eating it! And the Canoe accident! I'm glad I was wearing a parachute! Let me tell you! And heaven forbid that you take a live Parlor Roller to camp! And then there was that midnight rendezvous with that girl who only wanted to tie me to a tree. That morning was very mosquito-y. Oh, and the Chipmunk thing. Yeah. I'm glad I moved passed those years quietly. And while staying at camp, I won the archery contest when I hit that little girl's slushie drink; that was closest anyone got to the target's bullseye. And the goat! We had funny tasting sausages after the fireworks that day. I never made the connection, but it makes so much sense now. :/ Turns out I tried Chevon much earlier than last Christmas. I just thought I was eating blown-up pork.