Journey11's 2016 garden journal


Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
WV, Zone 6B
Just got back from a great night at the fair. All 3 of Ava's projects got a blue ribbon! :) Saw the best fireworks show I've ever seen. Left DH at the mud bog pit with my BIL, so I didn't have to stop and talk to everybody and their brother, lol. They DID have poultry this year. I hate that we missed out on getting to show our banties. Our club is new, first year and our leader didn't know what was going on with that.

Ava_wildflowers.jpg Ava_4-H.jpg

Savannah made sure every goat felt loved...each and every one.


I better get to bed! We got 3" of rain on Thursday and the garden is going bonkers along with the weeds. It's going to need a lot of attention tomorrow.


Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
WV, Zone 6B
Our Jr. Fair is the highest attended in the state, or so I've been told. There was a lot of participation in the 4-H and FFA exhibits. The produce entries were really impressive this year too. I even saw heirloom tomatoes and corn! One of the other moms told me there were over 400 hogs shown this year. :ep This is a very small, rural area. The biggest town, my hometown, is home to only about 26,000 people. There's one other town, much smaller, and the rest are unincorporated rural communities. I hope to be better organized next year and enter a few things myself. I know I'd have 'em beat in the pie contest. ;)


Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
WV, Zone 6B
Some garden pics from yesterday...

Some of my own grow-outs, Pole beans and Lima beans. Time to get the hoe out again! Mostly morning glories which have reseeded like crazy. Managed to get the beans staked, but haven't bound the tops together yet.

These are two teepees of Russ's grow-outs, both Milk & Cider, the best performers in the garden so far. There's more bean pics on the bean thread, if that's of interest to you (because I'm sure there might be a few folks on here that think we're crazy! ;) )

Top is Siberian Yellow watermelon and bottom is Moon and Stars. Even the leaves have speckles!

Tomatoes are on the verge of ripening. I've picked like 4 so far and a few cherry tomatoes. I watered these suckers once with Miracle Gro and have not been able to keep up with tying them since. Have made 5 rounds now of tying.

Pepper patch...Gypsy, Cal Wonder, jalapeno of some type, Hot Banana and Sweet Banana (will be doing lots of canning and have already had requests for mustard and candied jalapenos for Christmas.) Can't really tell from the pic, but these are all plumb loaded!

Blooming Prairie bean grow-out. These will have the prettiest purple beans when dried.




Bush beans. The long straight double row farthest left are half Top Crop and half Contender. These are primarily for canning. The sparse sections to the right are all grow-outs. And more weeds needing addressed soon.

Upper garden, sweet potatoes on the left that went in late and okra on the right. And my garden helper, Savannah! (Ava was gone at camp, but back now.)

We had 3" of rain fall the prior Thursday (9/28) and it's a jungle out there now. DH spent all weekend weedeating. That mess in the back is gone now. That's where I had some zucchini and cantaloupe, long since done in.

Then we got caught in the barn by a sudden cloud burst. It poured the rain for less than a minute and as it abated, I could look over toward my neighbor's and it was still pouring down hard over there! Here's a shot looking back toward the house.
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Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
WV, Zone 6B
Chicken update!

These are the chicks I hatched from my own flock. They carried over a lot of the Easter Egger appearance with beard and fluffy cheeks. :love I see several with green legs, which I hope will mean green eggs. Can't wait to send the boys to freezer camp. They are driving me crazy and they are so mean to the banties. I raised banties and standards together on my last year's batch and had no trouble. Don't know why they have such a chip on their shoulder. :\

Lots of color and variety in the pullets. They're 11 weeks old now. I can pretty much tell the girls from the boys. Need to get a bigger coop built by the next 2 months. That will be an ongoing saga, I'm sure.

My Milles have gotten their fleurs! :ya I love these chickens. My favorite breed so far. They're so dainty and sweet and have the cutest faces. They walk funny because of their booted feet, like they're tip-toeing along.

Just the perfect size for cuddling! :love

I got all of the chickens rotated to new "pasture" this evening. Broody Banty's bad Baby has flown the coop and was missing for about a month, but turned up recently and I have to say I was disappointed that she was still with us. She is a neurotic little thing. Can't catch her unless you can find her roosting spot at night. I'm going to try putting her in a cage in with the others again for a bit, then clip her wings. That's her last chance to simmer down and get to laying like a good pullet or else she will be threatened with freezer camp when we do the cockerels later. Turkeys are still with us. DH is really itching to get them done, but I say it's too hot right now! Besides, I've gotta make some room in the freezer...
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