Thanks for all of the great suggestions! I just know that I am going to be crushed if I go out there and all my hard work is down the tubes by some stupid deer! I think we might go the fence route.
@countrygirl - We're moving to Moores Hill, so just inside the county line!
Lucky you! Here is a photo of what has worked for us.
The rows are planted about 4 feet apart and the fencing about 4 to 5 foot tall cattle panels (or any wire panels work). Enough room to weed the rows and walk to pick produce. We have successfully grown peas, green beans, cucumbers other vineing produce this way. Not sure why it works. But it does. We do not have a fence around the garden. To keep the bucks from rubbing the fruit tree we pounded T stakes around the trees. (See them in above photo at end of the rows.) Close enough they get antlers caught up. Three is usually enough. Again no fenceing or netting needed.
Enjoy your adventures on the farm.