Lab/Great Dane Puppy!!


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
As I was bragging about our fence, Trip our Great Pyrenees decided to make a liar out of me. We went to TSC last week, he clearly wanted to go, but we didn't take him. To make it worse, we took Carson. When we came back, I saw a white blob waaaay down the road. It was Trip. He got out.

We left for the day yesterday, real early. I saw it in his face, he wanted to go, but we were going to be gone all day to several unfriendly to giant dog places. We got about 50 miles away and a neighbor called, he had Trip and was at our gate. I asked him to put Trip on the porch, he did. Called other neighbor and he went to our house, put a leash on Trip, per my instructions, and dragged him to the backyard gate. Trip DID NOT want to go in THERE as it is hot wired. Couldn't ask the first neighbor to put Trip in there as Paris, our female GP was back there and she would have eaten him up. She likes the second neighbor.

Soooo..... Mr Smarty climbed the gate, it is wire filled on the bottom, a gap, then the top bar. He then sauntered across Pasture #2 to the same type gate that goes to the pipeline. Once there, he executed the same gate squeezing performance and was then out on the pipeline pasture. The pipeline workers set a gate for their access and didn't do a very tight job of it, there is a Great Pyrenees head sized gap between the gate and gatepost, but only if you push and wiggle at the same time.

Having gained his freedom, he went to see what our neighbor was doing, and you know what happened next.

I closed the gap between the wire filled part and the top bar of the gate that leads to pasture #2 with some wire, I hog ringed it on there. Trip is still in the back yard.

Paris was closed up because we were expecting a hay delivery, how fortunate.

%$@#(&% DOG!!! :barnie



Garden Master
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
Mattapoisett, Massachusetts
As I was bragging about our fence, Trip our Great Pyrenees decided to make a liar out of me. We went to TSC last week, he clearly wanted to go, but we didn't take him. To make it worse, we took Carson. When we came back, I saw a white blob waaaay down the road. It was Trip. He got out.

We left for the day yesterday, real early. I saw it in his face, he wanted to go, but we were going to be gone all day to several unfriendly to giant dog places. We got about 50 miles away and a neighbor called, he had Trip and was at our gate. I asked him to put Trip on the porch, he did. Called other neighbor and he went to our house, put a leash on Trip, per my instructions, and dragged him to the backyard gate. Trip DID NOT want to go in THERE as it is hot wired. Couldn't ask the first neighbor to put Trip in there as Paris, our female GP was back there and she would have eaten him up. She likes the second neighbor.

Soooo..... Mr Smarty climbed the gate, it is wire filled on the bottom, a gap, then the top bar. He then sauntered across Pasture #2 to the same type gate that goes to the pipeline. Once there, he executed the same gate squeezing performance and was then out on the pipeline pasture. The pipeline workers set a gate for their access and didn't do a very tight job of it, there is a Great Pyrenees head sized gap between the gate and gatepost, but only if you push and wiggle at the same time.

Having gained his freedom, he went to see what our neighbor was doing, and you know what happened next.

I closed the gap between the wire filled part and the top bar of the gate that leads to pasture #2 with some wire, I hog ringed it on there. Trip is still in the back yard.

Paris was closed up because we were expecting a hay delivery, how fortunate.

%$@#(&% DOG!!! :barnie



Garden Master
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
Southeast VA
OH!! What a stinker!!!
My Gilligan used to do that sort of stuff. I'd stand next to the window peeping around the frame to spy on him for half the morning and see him do nothing more than normal, content doggy stuff... I'd get in the truck and run a quick errand and be back within half an hour and he would be gone.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Trip runs up the driveway and jumps the fence into pasture #1. He hates loud trucks, rattling trailers, the UPS truck, Fed-Ex, school busses and other vehicles. He runs the length of the front fence and barks at them. Then he squeezes between two cowpanels that are hog ringed only at the bottom to gain access to the sheep lot and the side pasture that runs to the back yard. When satisfied with his patrols, he jumps out on a particular stretch of fence by the big cedar tree. He is a great sheep and chicken guardian-on his terms. Right now he is asleep on the screened porch (we leave a door propped open for him) laying on a dog bed.

When people drive up to the gate, Trip greets them. If they know him, they open the gate, drive in and close the gate. Trip escorts them to the house, as they go inside, he pees on all their tires and poops in the vicinity of the drivers door. Their vehicle is marked, and a "Trip is on doody" pile announces that their vehicle is under surveillance and is perfectly safe from theft, vandals and ninja warriors.

If they don't know him, they sure don't open that gate! LOL LOL

Carson adores Trip and plays hard with him. They run, run and run some more. Trip can bat Carson with that big paw and send him rolling. They have a blast together. Right now Carson is wiped out, sound asleep on his bed in front of the TV.

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