Well Kate, since it is such a way bigger problem, could it be that the government screwed up the computer program so only a few could actually buy this " affordable insurance " then blame the writers of the program . This type of blame game is quite common with the bleeding hearts as it diverts attention away from their own screw ups , then lets the rest of us pay for it all ?
I'm not a fan of obamacare at all. despite the supreme court decision, I don't believe it is Constitutional. both parties voted for it though. the gop pretended they didn't, but many of them voted to fund obamacare & thus moved it on to the senate where it was sure to pass. however, obamacare may be put on the back burner if any of what just happened in the hague, Netherlands gains footing. Egypt just filed a criminal charge with the international criminal court, against obama & his brother malik for terrorist crimes as a result of their supposed conduct w/the muslim brotherhood, claiming obama used the US embassy to provide intel & weapons to the muslim brotherhood. hmm, I wonder who will be paying for his defense.
I see what you are trying to say seedcorn, but I have to disagree. This isn't class warfare at all. They are not asking me to pay for the non-working rich. The rich can afford health insurance. They want me to pay for the non-working poor, at the expense of my own family. The rich will not get insurance subsidies from the government, the poor will. Those that get the subsidies, and therefore free health insurance, are more likely to vote for the party that supports it. As long as people can receive food stamps, HUD rent payments, welfare utility checks, free cell phones and free health insurance, they have no incentive to work. That equates to millions of voters hoping to stay in that class. This is a Democratic ploy to gain votes for the future.
I would gladly give my health insurance to Dew. If the current administration is so concerned about getting people insured, why can't I do that? Why are they going to fine us when it's obvious we can't afford insurance for her? It's because they know we can't afford it and they want to use our money to fund other peoples insurance. How is that fair? As Bay said, "I will not comply. Period." However, I am forced to comply because my company is providing my insurance. I am, however, altering my tax withholding so that there is nothing for the government to take. Hopefully others will do the same and force the administration to repeal this ignorant law for lack of funding.
1). It's not that you are paying for rich. They are not paying their share. The rich receive the most government benefits if you relate if to $$/person.
2) Rich want more than middle class to keep the poor from rioting.
3). Both parties voted for it. It took both.
4). The rich want us to argue over political parties rather than look at issues. & as was Watergate montra, follow the $$$$$$$.
5). We have always paid for the non-working. Now, there is no control over the health industry. The rich who own the hospitals, secondary industries, and insurance companies now can charge whatever they want.
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