* Oh, and ryegrasses, annuals and perennials, carry endophytes as well, sorry to say. Having sheep, you may have hear of the illness called "ryegrass staggers"?? Wanta guess what causes it? :/
Just for you, I guess, new for 2020.
I remember when they began playing the BBC show on our L.A. PBS station, in the late 70's. I never missed an episode; I loved it!![]()
That's an interesting point about annuals needing disturbed ground and disturbed ground being not a good idea. But perennials need disturbed ground as well. My solution is to plant new perennials whenever there is a gap such as a large dandelion being removed or a dog pee spot renovated. However with five clovers, 2 vetches, and bird'sfoot trefoil in my lawn, there are no longer any dog pee spots! Dandelions still find their way in but I'm trying to control them with autumn hawkbit. (fall dandelion)
Annuals need to go because it is hard enough finding plants that will keep their leaves under the snow, let alone using ones that by definition die off!