A couple of the ears, and the first of the "Safeway Cluster" Tomatoes.
Some of the dry beans I mixed for making into chile and soup. This batch is heavy on the Rose Bolitas, and the Fanomen, but there are also Burgundy Bolitas, Burgundy Kidney, Black Spanish, Swedish Brown, Indian Woman Yellow, Colorful Bolitas Mix, Pastel Ojos, and some others in this mix, a 2 pound jar.
You must have the the most colorful ingredients in a slow cooker in California!
Maybe I will take a basket of tomatoes out in the sunlight tomorrow and take a shot of them. DW cut up a fresh red beefsteak tonight to go with a plate full of salmon with onions and tiny sweet peppers. We both were amazed how good that tomato was! What was it? I have only a smidgen of an idea! There is only one red beefsteak in the garden that is new to me. The others, I'm almost certain to be able to recognize by taste alone. So anyway . . . I may not be able to identify what is in the basket of tomatoes. Maybe I can start another thread on 1 or 2 -- you know, with a bite gone out of the corner of each .
Anyway, you may have memory lapses but I bet you don't have any difficulty in ID'ing every bean that I could point to in that picture!
This is my top dresser drawer of 4 filled with 12 ounce size coffee cans of Beans.
The varieties here are, top row, left to right:
Italian Flat Wax Brown Seeded, Bush
Hidatsa Red, Bush
Tarahumara Purple, Moderately Late, Pole
Rattlesnake Pole, my selection
Hutterite Bush
Flor De Mayo, Moderately Late Pole, main mix
Middle Row, Left to right:
Tennessee Freckled Green Pod, Running Bush, selected as a brown dry bean
Rose Bolitas, Bush, Early to mid, finishes. Extremely productive
Eye of the Tiger unusual markings, Determinate quarter runner, very early
White Greasy Sallee family Kentucky heirloom, pole, midseason, healthy selection
Indian Woman Yellow, tender pole, main selection
Burgundy Bolitas, bush selection, mid season...selecting for bush still. Some may vine still.
Bottom Row, left to right:
Italian Borlotto Pole, midseason, multipurpose, productive
Kim's Italian Flat Green, tender pole
Capirame Low Pick, still selecting!
These are a Cranberry type.
Some individuals made very tall runners after cropping.
Some have marked pods, some plain pods.
Yoeme Pastel Ojos mix, midseason pole
Nova Star, midseason pole. This is the new appearing variety
Black Spanish Pole, early to end of season continual
This is only one of the 4 dresser drawers. I also have a smaller plastic set of drawers with more, and the Peas, and I also have several plastic boxes of envelopes of seeds...