I found this squash that I forgot I planted. Argonaut winter squash- around 16 inches tall. It can grow to 27 inches and 30 lbs. Yikes! What was I thinking? I thought it was so huge until I looked up what I had planted. This is just a baby! It will turn a light orange.
This is the Gaspe Flint Corn. Even more special. Thanks to Thistle for the seed. I did try to cross some with the Japonica this year, but I failed to realize the time zone differences these two varieties are in. Gaspe was drying ripe by the time Japonica's first tassles peeked out. I plan on succeeding next year, and easily keeping most of them pure, but crossing a few.
I can't believe I got Takanostume (claw of the eagle) peppers to mature in Minnesota! I took this picture about a week ago and now the whole plant is nearly red. This summer has been abornmally hot compared to other years so it probably like the consistent heat. I also got some Tobascos to mature, too!