Garden Addicted
CrealCritter, you don't live that far from me. Do you get blight on your tomatoes? Which ones are most blight resistant for you?
I hav'nt gotten blight for many years. I don't have a variety persay. since i've been working on my own crosses for several seasons now. they orginated from Delicious for slicers and Amish Paste for roma's. You might want to give them a try, if you haven't already.
My garden sits inbtween 2 hills at the low spot between them with a deep run off furrow that spans the length of the garden. It also slopes down to the north. Runoff runs into a creek via the furrow that all my rows drain into. As you know we get some real toad choking rains around here, last year was crazy for storms (I had to stand my sweet corn back up 3 times
Hope that helps some.